Page 4 - PPIAC 2021 - Annual Conference Presentation Materials 1_Neat
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Chairman’s Welcome

          Welcome to the 2021 Rocky Mountain Investigators Conference. A small group of
          PPIAC members has been working for more than a year to create the best event

          possible. We know you have many choices when it comes to spending your training
          dollars, so thank you for choosing to spend your money and time with us.

          Our association currently has 136 active members, and we’ll be voting on more
          prospective members during the conference. If you are new to PPIAC, and by new, I
          mean in the last couple of years, please don’t be shy about introducing yourself to the
          other attendees. We’re all here to learn from and get to know one another. Use the

          hallways, hospitality suite, and evenings at dinner or the bar to make some new
          acquaintances and expand your professional contacts.

          We would like to continue to grow as an association but we need to recruit and retain
          new members in order to do that. Whether you’re new or have been a member for more
          than 20 years, if you know other investigators who are not PPIAC members please
          invite them to attend one of our monthly online training meetings. I believe deeply in

          the philosophy of attraction rather than promotion. Once a prospect experiences what
          we offer, membership usually follows.

          Our speakers this weekend will present a wide range of material. I want to thank them
          for sharing their time, knowledge, and experience with us. I think it’s important for our
          members to know that none of our speakers are paid to attend. They graciously
          volunteer their time. The same goes for our board members and officers. We each paid

          to register for this conference just like you did. That includes the people who spent
          countless hours creating this event.

          This year’s conference committee is Tan Smyth, Heather Cohen, and Bob Wall. Thank
          you, Tan, Heather, and Bob, for spearheading the work that resulted in this year's event.
          For those who don’t know these three members, I’d like to provide a snapshot of each
          of them.
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