Page 5 - PPIAC 2021 - Annual Conference Presentation Materials 1_Neat
P. 5

Tan Smyth joined PPIAC 15 years ago and joined the board as an Associate Member at

          Large about 14 years ago. That was also the first year she served on the conference
          committee. Tan has been the VP of Training for more than 10 years. Sadly, for us all, she
          is stepping down from that position this fall and someone else will be elected as our
          next Vice President of Training.

          Heather Cohen joined PPIAC 22 years ago and has been on the board for about 13 years.
          She has been on the conference committee for the last 10 years. Among other things,

          Heather coordinates, sets up, and hosts our hospitality suite. She also breaks it down
          and cleans it up when the conference is over.

          Bob Wall joined PPIAC 26 years ago, before he even lived in Colorado. He has been on
          the board for about 12 years and on the conference committee for two years. He is in

          charge of sponsorship development. Bob retired from private investigation earlier this
          year. He is also stepping down from his Senior Member at Large position on our board.
          His slot will be filled by someone else after our election in November.

          The vacancies created by Tan and Bob leaving their positions create opportunities for
          other members to get involved with our board of directors. We’re also losing Robert
          Orozco this fall. He is stepping down after serving on the board as our current VP of

          Legislative Affairs and as a past president. Thank you, Tan, Heather, Bob, and Robert,
          for your decades of service to the members of PPIAC. You’ve each set an example for
          the rest of us to follow, and we have a strong organization today thanks to your
          selflessness, leadership, and generosity.

          Finally, I would like to thank our vendors and sponsors for their participation. You will
          see and hear these names elsewhere during the conference, but I want to recognize
          them here as well: AMIS, Investigators Toolbox, JT Palmer & Associates, NCISS, PI
          Magazine, Skopenow, Thomas P. Riley, TrackOps, WAD, Bob Wall, Dean Beers, John
          Morris, and each of the investigators who privately made a donation to sponsor our

          hospitality suite.
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