Page 9 - PPIAC 2021 - Annual Conference Presentation Materials 1_Neat
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5. Let your clients know you are committed to a Standards of Practice
                 and include it in your marketing materials. PPIAC has posted one for
                 you to review and adopt.

             6. Make a point to attend every conference you can regarding
                 investigations and the related industry that you service. Invest in
                 yourself and your business by updating your knowledge and skills is
                 good for your clients, and as a competitive edge against the amateurs
                 that will be competing against.

         Now is the time! You’re meeting with fellow investigators in a face-to-face
         setting, so I encourage you to get to know investigators that you don’t
         already know, or you only get to see responding on our email list. We all
         need to expand our circle of professional contacts and friends so we can

         support each other when we need help. Don’t waste this opportunity.

         Rod Gagnon, PPIAC President
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