Page 7 - PPIAC 2021 - Annual Conference Presentation Materials 1_Neat
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2021 Rocky Mountain Conference

           September 23

           6:30 pm Hospitality Suite (Heather Cohen, Host)

           September 24

           8:30-9:00 Registration, breakfast
           9:00-10:00            JP Moore             Lawyers, Investigators and the rules of

           Professional conduct

           10:00—10:30  Jennifer Cassell  Legislative updates
           11:00-12:00           Ray Pezolt           Who are those guys? The history of private
           investigations in America

           12:00-1:30            Lunch on your own
           1:30-2:15 Victor Quesada/Skopenow  How to Automate your Social Media

           2:30-3:30             PI Gear               Surveillance gear and investigative equipment

           6:00-8:00 Cocktail Party    Sponsored by Skopenow

           Hospitality Suite open afterward

           September 25

           8:30-9:00   Registration, breakfast
           9:00-12:00            Gene Ferraro         Selling the Intangible

           12:00-1:30 Lunch on your own
           1:30-2:30 Rachel Roberts   Murder or Suicide? A Case Study in Investigator
           Timeline Testimony

           2:45-3:30 Ellis Armistead   Personally Surviving in the Private Investigation

           3:30-3:45 Conference Wrap-up
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