Page 37 - Penta Book's Literacy Catalogue 2
P. 37

Level 1

           HUCK FINN                   LISA IN CHINA               THE SECRET GARDEN
           In the American South, an   This time Lisa sets off to   Mary Lennox is a selfish ten-
           adventurous boy and a       China for an International   year-old who lives in India.
           runaway slave escape to     Photo Convention. With her   After her parents’ death, she
           find freedom. They sail down   new friends she explores the   is sent to her uncle’s house
           the Mississippi on a log raft,   wonders of a world both   on the Yorkshire moor,
           but the river is often full of   young and old. From Beijing   where she finds a new home
           surprises that block their   to Shanghai and Hong Kong,   full of secrets. When Mary
           way... A well-known classic   Lisa becomes aquainted with   discovers a secret garden,
           that generations of readers   Chinese culture and also helps   she also discovers friendship
                                                                   and love and transforms
                                       solve a mystery concerning
           have considered brilliant.
                                       an ancient jade frog.       into a different person.


           THE RAILWAY                 A CHRISTMAS CAROL           ALICE IN
           CHILDREN                    It’s Christmas time         WONDERLAND
           When Bobbie, Peter, Phyllis   for everyone, except      During a boring afternoon in
           and their mother move to    Ebenezer Scrooge. The       her garden, Alice follows the
           the country, near a railway   grumpy old man hates      White Rabbit and sets off   TOP
           line, a new life full of exciting   Christmas; however, three   on a magical adventure in
           adventures and new friends   unusual visitors come to   Wonderland.
           begins. However, a terrible   his door and, after their
           secret is about to be       visit, Scrooge becomes a
           revealed.                   different man.                                         Readers

                                    Penta Books
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