Page 42 - Penta Book's Literacy Catalogue 2
P. 42

Readers     LEVEL4

             TOP                             THE LOST WORLD             THE CORAL

                                             Four intrepid adventurers
                                             travel to the Amazon jungle
                                             to find evidence of living
                                                                        are shipwrecked on an
                                             dinosaurs. Trapped on an   When three young friends
                                                                        island in the Pacific, they’re
                                             isolated plateau, the men   forced to use all their
                                             must battle with terrifying   intelligence and courage
                                             prehistoric creatures and   to survive. Their tropical
                                             menacing ape-men – will    paradise is then threatened
                                             they survive the dangers of   when dangerous natives
                                             the lost world?            and bloodthirsty pirates
                                                                        arrive on the island, and
                                                                        a thrilling adventure in the
                                                                        South Seas begins.


                  Robinson Crusoe wants
                  to live a life of adventure,
                  so at the age of twenty
                  he leaves his home to
             ELTReaders  many adventures at sea,
                  become a sailor. After
                  he buys a farm in Brazil,
                  and then he decides to
                  journey to Guinea as a
                  tradesman. But a tornado
                  destroys his ship and he
                  finds himself on the beach
                  of an uninhabited island...
          40                        Penta Books                                     mmpublications

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