Page 44 - Penta Book's Literacy Catalogue 2
P. 44

Readers     LEVEL5                                                        New!

             TOP                             THE GRAPES OF              THE COUNT OF

                                                                        MONTE CRISTO
                                             In America during the Great
                                             Depression, the Joads, a   Edmond Dantes spends
                                                                        fourteen years in prison for a
                                             poverty-stricken family    crime he has not committed.
                                             from Oklahoma, travel to   When he manages to es-
                                             California in search of a   cape, he seeks revenge. As
                                             better life. The journey   the Count of Monte Cristo,
                                             across the country quickly   he punishes each and every
                                             becomes a struggle for     one of those who made him
                                             survival. This famous novel   suffer.
                                             examines the troubles of
                                             an ordinary family facing
                                             extraordinary circumstances
                                             during one of America’s
                                             darkest times.


                                    Penta Books
          42                                                                        mmpublications

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