Page 43 - Penta Book's Literacy Catalogue 2
P. 43
• FCE (Cambridge) MAN Prospero, former Duke of
• Headwords: 1500 In this exciting Sherlock Milan, has been living with his
Holmes adventure, the daughter Miranda on a remote
famous detective’s powers island for fiffteen years. When
of deduction are put to the a ship carrying his greatest
test when he is called in enemies approaches the island,
to investigate the bizarre Prospero has his chance for
behaviour of a highly- revenge. Due to his magical
respected professor. powers a terrible storm breaks
out, and everyone on the ship
gets washed ashore...
NIGHT’S DREAM When Captain Ahab loses
Hermia and Lysander are in his leg to a white whale
love with each other. However, named Moby Dick, he
Demetrius also loves Hermia devises a plan to destroy TOP
and Helena loves Demetrius. the animal – at any cost;
While the young people but Ahab’s quest for justice
pursue each other through ends in tragedy.
the wood, a fairy named Puck
accidentally causes both Readers
Lysander and Demetrius to fall
in love with Helena. A night of
chaos and confusion follows,
but with a little magic, order
is restored and the couples
Penta Books 41
enjoy a happy ending.
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