Page 38 - Penta Book's Literacy Catalogue 2
P. 38

Readers     LEVEL3

             TOP    •  A2.2 (CEFR)           OLIVER TWIST               TREASURE ISLAND

                                             Oliver Twist is a penniless
                                                                        Jim Hawkins is a young boy
                                             orphan in 1830s England.
                                                                        working at the family inn.
                    •  KET (Cambridge)
                                             He joins a gang of thieves
                    •  Headwords: 1100
                                                                        called the Captain dies, Jim
                                             and soon is arrested for   When a mysterious guest
                                             picking pockets. Will Oliver   discovers a treasure map
                                             find happiness and a family   in the dead man’s chest
                                             or be doomed to a life with   and his adventure begins.
                                             thieves?                   A famous classic full of
                                                                        suspense that readers still
                                                                        find very exciting.

                                             SWISS FAMILY               SWALLOWS AND
                                             ROBINSON                   AMAZONS
                                             On their way to Australia,   Four children set up camp in
                                             the family of a Swiss pastor   England’s picturesque Lake
                                             ends up on a remote island,   District. As they explore the
                                                                        lake in their sailing boat, the
                                             after a storm destroys their
             ELTReaders                      parents use all their skill and   boat, the Amazon, and an
                                                                        Swallow, they meet another
                                             ship. The four boys and their
                                                                        amazing adventure begins.
                                             craftsmanship to transform
                                             the place into a cosy new
                                                                        Join the Walker children
                                                                        as they sail the high seas,
                                                                        capture enemy boats and
                                                                        search for buried treasure in
                                                                        this thrilling tale.
                                    Penta Books
          36                                                                        mmpublications

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