Page 41 - Penta Book's Literacy Catalogue 2
P. 41

THE AFRICAN                 DAVID                       THE TURN OF THE
           QUEEN                       COPPERFIELD                 SCREW
           During World War One,       When young David’s          A new governess comes
           missionary Rose Sayer and   mother dies, his cruel      to a large country house
           mechanic Charlie Allnutt    stepfather sends him to     to care for two young
           travel down the Ulanga      work in a factory in London.   children. Small but strange
           River in a small steamboat,   The working conditions    events begin to happen.
           the African Queen, to       are appalling and David     The new governess tries to
           escape the Germans. On      decides to run away and     find answers and is pulled
           the way, Rose comes up      start a new life in Dover...   deeply into the strange
           with the idea to use their   Join David Copperfield     history of Bly house and its
           boat to torpedo a German    as he journeys from         inhabitants.
           warship. They have to face   heartbreak to happiness in
           numerous difficulties, but   this extraordinary tale of
           the couple’s determination   courage and determination.
           is very strong...


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