Page 14 - 05 Cotton SA March 2015
P. 14

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                                                           Nuus • Newsews

              SASTAC - continued from p 12       translating the aforementioned, the product
                                                 and supply chain governance requirements,
              note (a brief introduction to the planned   into production facility and infrastructure
              initiative), identifying potential production   requirements,  and  mapping  these
              and manufacturing partners and gaining a   requirements for each level of value adding.
              thorough understanding of the marketing   At this stage of the programme development
              strategies and product requirements (grade,   process, it was possible to determine the
              quality, quantities, etc.).
                                                 various types of funding required. When
              The next step was to develop the standards   developing new innovative business models,
              to govern production and market offerings   it is important to engage with potential
              in line with SASTAC’s focus on sustainability.   funding partners and pinpoint conditional
              This included an assessment of the existing   requirements for funding, as the traditional
              standards for identity cotton programmes   finance mechanisms are not aligned with the
              such as BCI, as well as workshops with supply   requirements of the ISCP.
              chain stakeholders to adapt these standards to   Phase  3:  Assess  Feasibility  and  Compile
              local conditions.
                                                 Programme Plan
              Based on the aforementioned product   Once we had a thorough understanding of
              requirements, SASTAC identified the fibre   the product and manufacturing requirements,
              producers and manufacturers that recorded   it was important to confirm the volume and
              similar product profiles in the past, connected   price indicators per product and develop
              with these producers and manufacturers to:
                                                 a real-time financial model for the supply
              Present the programme concept,     chain. This consisted of meetings with the
                                                 ISCP participants to determine the product
              •  Determine their ability and willingness to   specifications and target pricing, reverse
                participate in the programme,    engineering the supply chain from Mr Price
                                                 to farm level to determine the volume, cost
              •  Assess the available capacity and infra-  and price requirements for each level of value
                structure, and                   adding, and finally developing a real-time
                                                 supply chain financial model.
              •  Identify the most suitable programme
                participants.                    The next step was to compile a consolidated
                                                 programme plan, covering each level of
              The Mr Price ISCP aims at supplying knitwear   production and trade, and to present this to the
              (T-shirts) and toweling products with 100%   ISCP stakeholders to gain their commitment
              local cotton fibre content into the local market.   through signing an MOU. This presented the
                                                 platform to formally engage with potential
              Phase 2: Design the Supply Chain   funding partners, present the consolidated

              Based on the end-use product requirements   plan and compile funding applications.
              of Mr Price, the second phase aims to translate   Phase  4:  Prepare  for  Programme  Imple-
              these into fibre requirements, yarn and fabric   mentation
              and then to map the supply chain from farmer
              to retail in terms of location and production   During this phase the focus was on
              capability. Such translation is illustrated for 5   preparing the supply chain for programme
              million T-Shirts in the table below.  start-up. It was important to consider the
                                                 practical implications of integrating the
              The mapping entails a description of the   ISCP production with existing production
              participants at each level of value adding   schedules, conducting production trials, and
              within the proposed supply chain, and   implementing the supply chain management
              resulted in the following ISCP participants:
                                                 and traceability systems.
              •  Farming: Cotton produced by 41 farmers in   This phase also provided the platform to
                the Marblehall, Hartswater and Marydale   formalize the business agreements within the
                                                 supply chain. Based on the agreed ISCP plan,
              •  Ginning: Loskop Cotton, Vaalharts Cotton   Mr Price committed to taking up the cotton   the supply chains to produce the knitwear
                and Noord Kaap Katoenpluismeule  fibre at the agreed volume and price, through
                                                 issuing a Promissory Note. This enabled Prilla   and toweling products. The implementation
              •  Spinning: Prilla 2000           2000 to select the fibre volumes and grades   is triggered by the Purchase Orders placed by
                                                 according to its spinning requirements. The   Mr Price with Powerhouse Clothing and Colibri
              •  Knitwear  Manufacturing: Powerhouse  Selection Certificates and Purchase Orders   Toweling. These orders are very specific in
                Clothing                         formed the basis for the subsequent contracts   terms of the product attributes such as design,
                                                 with Loskop, Vaalharts and NKKP cotton gins.    sizes, volumes, etc. per SKU.
              •  Toweling Manufacturing: Colibri Toweling
                                                 Phase 5: Implement Programme       Powerhouse and Colibri in turn translate
              Working closely with the ISCP participants, the                       these orders into yarn requirements and issue
              next step was to determine the production   The Mr Price ISCP is now in this phase, and   purchase orders to Prilla. Based on the yarn
              facilities and infrastructure requirements   the aim is to start the production that will see   orders, Prilla will schedule its production and
              for each link in the supply chain through   the secured cotton fibre being pulled through   fibre drawdown from the Gins accordingly.

                                           Katoen SA Cotton     1414  January-March 2015
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