Page 24 - The Edge - Fall 2019
P. 24
Mike Barragan Plans to Run for
ASBO International President
Mike Barragan
Former AASBO President Mike Barragan has a couple of
goals in mind as he embarks on a quest to eventually become
the third Arizonan in recent years to take the helm of ASBO
Barragan, who served as President of the Arizona Association
of School Business O cials for the 2012-13 school year, plans to
run for a spot on the ASBO International Board of Directors in
2021. His early decision to run gives him time to be even better
prepared for the campaign ahead that could lead to the ASBO
International presidency.
“Arizona should always be at the table, talking about public
education,” Barragan explained his primary reason for running.
“For me, there are two issues I’d like to address.”
Last year he read an article about decaying schools nationally.
“In the United States there is a lack of investment in public
infrastructure, and that includes Arizona,” Barragan said. “In
Arizona, we know we must invest in our schools – they are in served on the ASBO International Board from 2008-2013, and in
need of signi cant capital funding.” 2012, was the rst Arizonan to serve as its President.
The second issue Barragan would focus on is special Barragan said he would rely on the support of Mee and
education. “We have ongoing conversations about special Wohlleber. “As past Presidents of ASBO International, I would
education,” he said. “In the 1970s, the feds said they would take have their experience to guide me,” Barragan said.
care of that responsibility – but that hasn’t been the case.” Barragan also noted that David Lewis, AASBO’s previous
Barragan said he hopes to have conversations about special Executive Director, is currently serving as the International’s
education with policymakers at the federal level. Executive Director. “ e time is right for me,” Barragan said.
Barragan wants to represent K-12 issues and hopes to serve Being on the International Board of Directors can be
on the ASBO International Legislative Committee. He said he bene cial to Arizona. “If we can pull o some of these big goals,
wants to bring to life the issue of special education, even with in the long run my goal would be to improve the funding for
Arizona’s members of Congress, including Reps. Andy Biggs, a school infrastructure and special education here and elsewhere,”
Republican, and Ruben Gallego, a Democrat. And, he wants to Barragan said.
bring more a liates and school o cials into the discussion on He encouraged all Arizonans who are members of ASBO
infrastructure. International to vote for him when the time comes. He recognizes
“ ose two big topics resonate with all a liates,” he said. this endeavor requires support from its Arizona members and
“ ey are not just related to Arizona. For example, they a ect the other a liates, too. It has to be a team approach to win. And
California, Oklahoma and New Mexico. Special education and he urged non-members to join the International.
infrastructure are two issues we can all get behind.” “I’m taking on things I believe in.,” Barragan said. “I’ve
Brragan described his commitment to run for the ASBO presented these issues to Democrats and Republicans in Arizona.
International Board of Directors as “a seven-year gig.” It amounts We need more awareness on capital funding in Arizona. I’m a
to four years on the Board, and during his fourth year he would big proponent of public education, and that’s an institution that
run for Vice President. at leads to a year as President and then needs to be protected – not only at the local level, but at all levels,
Immediate Past President. because, in my mind, that is something that enables our future
Regarding a run for President after three years on the Board, generations to not live in poverty.”
Barragan said, “We’re going to go big. Go big or go home, right?” He continued: “I believe in the American Dream. It would
If successful, Barragan would be the third Arizonan to make it be a shame if we can’t a ord that same opportunity to all kids,
to the top of ASBO International. Tom Wohlleber, Chief Financial regardless of where they might live – in a poor neighborhood or
O cer, Casa Grande Elementary School District, is nishing his not. So we can continue to provide a robust public education for
year as President. And Brian Mee, AASBO’s Executive Director, all kids so they can live the American Dream.”
24 THE EDGE | FALL 2019