Page 28 - The Edge - Fall 2019
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for coverage, and the Trust immediately stepped in. “I wasn’t
sure if our Trust coverage policy would take care of this, but HELPING
knew that they were the rst people to call,” Huie said. “I was
surprised and thankful to discover that the Trust would cover
it all.” SCHOOLS
e Trust assisted the district in remediating the generator
issue, including bringing in a temporary emergency generator.
“ e Trust kept moving forward, and provided us with a
plan for replacement,” Huie said. Once the damage to the FOCUS ON
emergency generator was assessed, it was determined that the
generator had su ered a catastrophic loss that warranted a full
replacement. ( e damaged generator was over 20 years old, WHAT
and repairing it would not have been cost e ective.)
e Trust worked closely with the district as it received
quotes, awarded a bid, and ultimately replaced the emergency
generator. Huie re ected on this time, and on his experience MATTERS
working with the Trust: “Coverage was comprehensive and can
apply to catastrophic outages. e Trust is an excellent partner
in helping districts with both common problems as well as the MOST
unusual ones that occur.”
e Trust has been honored to share stories from individuals
around the state — helping them when/where they needed it,
and allowing them to stay focused on students, education, and
a safe learning environment. We look forward to working with DELIVERING COMFORT AND
our members for many years to come.
Jessica Schuler can be reached at: THROUGH PERSONALIZED
Energy efficiency
Facility modernization
“I wasn’t sure if our Trust coverage Improved environment
policy would take care of this, Renewable energy
but knew that they were the fi rst Self-funding resolutions
people to call. I was surprised and
thankful to discover that the Trust
would cover it all.”
— Doug Huie, Director of Facilities and Transportation at
Catalina Foothills Unifi ed School District
DEREK VAN ZIJLL | 480.272.3414
28 THE EDGE | FALL 2019