Page 30 - The Edge - Fall 2019
P. 30
CONTRACT MANAGEMENT considered the contract management process from the onset
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 29 and monitoring performance should run a bit smoother.
Specifying the need and identifying contract risks and
goals would be speci c to the agency or agencies writing the
stage, much like I would when starting a new contract. e contract, but some great starter questions to consider may be
reasons are varied and complex, so I’ll leave that for another the following: What is the contract for? What items/services am
discussion. I trying to obtain? What’s the market look like for these items/
One piece to the procurement puzzle is the “Contract services? What kind of risks are involved and what do they look
Management Cycle,” which for all intents and purposes should like? What needs to be considered for minimizing risks? What’s
look something like this: Analysis, Specifying the Need, Identify the goal or what am I trying to obtain from this contract?
the Contract Risks and Goals, Select a Contract Type and Once you’ve established all above, it’s time to put pen to
Clauses and Monitoring the Performance. Again, with analysis paper for selecting the contract type and clauses, (developing
moving from the fth step to the rst. the contract) but realistically, you should have already
e above cycle is just one example or interpretation of considered the contract type during the analysis stage. You
the steps involved with managing a contract, so let’s look at may have considered the options, (IFB, RFP, RFQ, etc.) to
the rst step being used – analysis. I believe it’s a good idea decide what’s best for your agency and implementing the steps
to always consider contract management during the analysis outlined in the guideline of your analysis stage.
stage, so that those involved with monitoring the performance, Now, the only thing left is monitoring the performance of
have a basic idea of how the contract is going to work and the contract, and because you’ve done all the above, you’re
what the suppliers are responsible for. Remember, you control ready to monitor the contract in the manner it was written.
the contract, how it works, the steps to be considered, when You’ve included the steps that should yield the best results of
monitoring the performance of the contract, so why not include this contract and any hic-ups that occur should be noted ON
“user friendly” steps that exemplify e ciency for monitoring PAPER and put in the procurement le for future consideration.
the contract performance. In my opinion, most contracts that Keeping good notes as you monitor the performance of your
fall short, do so because thought was not given to this part of contract is vital to helping develop better contracts, so don’t
the process. leave this step out.
If you’ve included everything needed to assist you in getting Let me end by simply reminding you that anything in this
from point “A” to point “B” with the least amount of resistance, article is not meant to be construed as legal advice, but rather
you should have some form of a viable contract. e reason best practice recommendations, based on being a buyer for
is simple. You have developed a guideline that considered Mesa Public Schools!
“contract management” in the beginning stage.
e other steps to the contract management cycle are just Gary Barkman can be reached at:
as important, but now you’ve developed a guideline that has REFERENCES: NIGP: Institute for Public Procurement, CPPO Prep Guide, 2014
30 THE EDGE | FALL 2019