Page 25 - The Edge - Fall 2019
P. 25


                              Professional Development Committee Update

              Attention all AASBO members – and that means YOU!  It’s   December  11,  2019,  from  1:00  p.m.  –  4:00  p.m.,  ASBA
            that time of year again when we are looking for members from  Conference Room, AASBO O   ce - 2100 N. Central Ave # 202,
            all our professions and crafts to get involved in the Professional  Phoenix.
            Development Committee!    e work of this committee is critical   January 15, 2020, prior to the AASBO Bi-Monthly Meeting
            to the success of our conferences throughout the year. Our   from 8:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m., Desert Willow Conference Center,
            goal is to make these conferences and workshops ful  ll the  4340 East Cotton Center Blvd. Phoenix.
            professional development needs of AASBO members.         February 5, 2020, from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., ASBA
              I cannot stress it enough – your participation feedback is  Conference Room, AASBO O   ce - 2100 N. Central Ave # 202,
            important and valued.                                  Phoenix.
                 ere are many ways to be involved. Some examples include   March 4, 2020, prior to the AASBO Bi-Monthly Meeting from
            sharing suggestions regarding relevant topics, participating  8:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m., Black Canyon Conference Center, 9440 N
            in a panel discussion, being a presenter or co-presenter at a  25th Ave, Phoenix.
            conference session, nominating presenters, sharing ideas, and   March 25, 2020, from 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. - ASBA Conference
            helping compile member conference idea surveys.        Room, AASBO O   ce, 2100 N Central Ave # 202, Phoenix.
                 is year we have scheduled our Professional Development   Can’t be at the committee meetings in person?  Not a
            Committee meetings in advance so you can plan early and add  problem. AASBO Executive Director Brian Mee and the AASBO
            them to your calendars. And don’t come alone. We encourage  team have come up with a way to participate remotely – online.
            you to bring a colleague, friend, or other members along with  Additional details about remote access will be forthcoming
            your ideas and suggestions to the meetings.            through AASBO Engage – so don’t forget to sign up at: https://
              Although we already held our   rst Professional Development
            Committee meeting on October 16 at the Peoria Uni  ed School   We look forward to seeing you at the Professional
            District O   ce in Glendale, it’s de  nitely not too late to join us.  Development Committee meetings!
              Here is the rest of the schedule:
              November 6, 2019, prior to the AASBO Bi-Monthly Meeting   Lizette Huie, Chief Financial Of  cer, Sahuarita Uni  ed School
            from 8:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m., Glendale Civic Center, 5750 West  District #30, can be reached at: or (520) 625-
            Glenn Drive, Glendale.                                 3502, ext. 1013.

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