Page 32 - The Edge - Fall 2019
P. 32

PROCUREMENT RULES                                          The proposed revisions should be embraced
            CONTINUED FROM PAGE 31
                                                                         by our procurement community. I have
                                                                      served with a group of very dedicated school
              Michelle Hamilton, Gary Barkman, Ken Carter, Lari Staples,
            Lila McCleery, Claudia, Kevin Startt, Anita McLemore and   procurement offi    cials who have volunteered
            Claudia Leon.                                             countless hours over the past two-plus years
              Along with representatives from the State Board of       to make various revisions and tweaks to the
            Education, the Auditor General and the Attorney General, these
            procurement folks have helped to shape the future landscape of   procurement rules that are designed to make
            school district procurement for this year and beyond. If you get   our procurement lives a little easier.
            a moment and see any of these folks in your travels, please take
            the time to thank them for the work they put in improving our  also give some great best practice recommendations to make
            rules for everyone. I am proud that I continue to be associated  all your procurement dreams come true.
            with each and every one of them.                         Stay tuned, I look forward to these procurement rules
              As I have mentioned, the State Board of Education at the  changes that will help all of us.
            time of the writing of this article is still in the approval process.
            Among these changes will be some proposed clari  cations  Bill Munch, CPPO, CPPB is the Procurement Compliance and
            to the exemptions and some appropriate and much-needed   Training Of  cer for Valley Schools Management Group, recipient
            additional exemptions. Once approved by the State Board of  of the 2018 AASBO Bill Lovett Award and the 2016 NIGP National
            Education, I will author an article in    e Edge to review ALL the  Purchasing Manager of the Year.  He provides consultation on
            procurement exemptions.    at review will include all current  public procurement matters for school districts and vendors across
            exemptions and those approved in the revision to the State   the State of Arizona and across the country.  He may be reached at:
            Board of Education School District Procurement Rules. I will

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