Page 4 - 64th Attendee Brochure
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Wednesday's Pre-Conference Agenda
July 19, 2017
Join Us for Thought-Provoking Pre-Conference Workshops
The pre-conference workshops offer you the opportunity to study one topic or issues of current
interest in greater depth than is possible in a breakout session. The pre-conference work-
shops will be held on Wednesday, July 19. Space is limited. Be sure to sign up early. All are
welcome. Four informative pre-conference workshops will be offered in 2017:
Pre 1 Pre 2
Mini Trust/NAU Leadership Academy Everything RFP’s - From Start to Finish
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM
The Leadership Academy us an interactive ses- Learn how to incorporate all of the components of
sion at which participants learn about school- an RFP, using the Procurement Cycle, from statisti-
related legal risks recently faced by districts in cal analysis with historical data and research, (who,
Arizona. With guidance from Arizona’s leading how, what, why and when) - Consider the contract
education attorneys and prominent NAU pro- management! Then the solicitation development and
fessors, the Leadership Academy encourages vendor selection, (what goes into your evaluation cri-
teria?, what do you hope to accomplish from your
active participation in an intimate group learn- RFP?, who are you trying to reach?, etc.) Next, the
ing environment. The presenters walk attend- contract administration. Although you won’t handle
ees through scenarios recently faced by Arizona the management of the contract until awarded, how
school districts with the intent of helping admin- do you plan to manage the contract? Do you have all
istrators create strategies to mitigate risk and the components incorporated to allow for this? Last-
address legal issues. ly, the closing documents and re-do. Do you utilize
closing documents? What do they consist of? How
Presented by: Dayna Dayson - The Arizona do you intend to improve the document? Do you in-
School Risk Retention Trust, Matthew Wright - clude the end user(s)? Do you include the incumbent
Wright Welker & Pauole, Donald Peder Johnsen - supplier(s)? This session will take you from the very
Gallagher & Kennedy and Denise Lowell-Britt - Udall beginning of conceptualization of the RFP through the
Shumway development, implementation and improvement pro-
Pre 3 Presented by: Michelle Hamilton - Mesa Public
Visions/AZ-Wide Expanded User Group Schools, Anita McLemore - Mohave Educational Ser-
vices Coop. Inc., Bill Munch - Valley Schools, Gary
1:00 PM - 4:30 PM Barkman - Mesa Public Schools, Nidia White - No-
Are you new to working with Infinite Visions? gales Unified School District & Ken Carter - 1GPA
Has your budget role changed or are you new to
the district? Have you been on the system for
some time, and wondering about new features Pre 4
or tailoring setup for new process and policies? Light Years Ahead - Improvement at the SFB
This sessions included an overview of the suite 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM
of capabilities, plus best practices and topics for Get to know about the changes happening at the
optimum utilization. Specific focus will include SFB. Breakthrough process improvements are
Tips and Tricks for using Visions, Financial Man- the building blocks of life in the vastness of space
agement and Personnel Management. and capital management. Attend this interactive
workshop to learn how to submit a complete and
Presented by: Diana Betancourt & Kimberly Bal- accurate Building Renewal Grant application on
entine - Tyler Technologies the first try and how to use the PayAppinator to
get funding from the SFB at the speed of light.
Presented by: Paul Bakalis, Kerry Campbell, Da-
vid Kennon & Dan Demland - Arizona School Facili-
ties Board 4