Page 8 - 64th Attendee Brochure
P. 8
Thursday's Agenda
July 20, 2017
Breakout Session II Breakout Session II
Thursday 10:00 am to 10:50 am Thursday 10:00 am to 10:50 am
202: The Arizona Legislature - The Final Frontier 206: DDoS Attacks, Malware, Ransomware and
Annual update on legislation passed impacting school capi- more!
tal funding, elections and property taxation. As with most In the new frontier how do you know about and protect
legislative sessions, 2017 is likely to be very active in the all of the transactions and data schools are managing?
area of school finance, and hopefully the force has been Solutions are developing as quickly as villains are find-
with you! We will review what passed, what didn’t pass, ing new ways to infiltrate. Get on the right side of the
and how school districts may be impacted by the actions universe and help protect your district from SyBok and
of the Final Frontier (aka Arizona Legislature). We will also be the Captain Kirk of your enterprise ship.
take a quick look at issues pending for 2018. Presented by: Bobette Sylvester-McCarroll -
Presented by: Randie Stein - Stifel, Nicolaus and
Company, Inc. & Jill Barragan - Avondale Elemen- Queen Creek Unified School District & Jeremy
tary School District Stanley - Cisco Systems
203/211: Navigating Food Services
Are you new to school business and the food services 107: Textbook Adoption / On Demand Textbook
department feels like a galaxy far far away? This session Printing
will provide you with need to know information about What are the general requirements of a textbook adop-
the operations of this critical department. Additionally, tion? As an alternative to purchasing traditional hard
this session will discuss various audit requirements re- copy textbooks, see how we can save you time and
lated to the operations of the food services department money buy using our on-demand textbook ordering
including but not limit to: Cash handling, inventory, An- process. Teachers can order individual lessons or com-
nual Financial Report (AFR), and the Nutritions Cluster bined lessons and only teach the lessons needed for
Federal program. each quarter during the school year. Math, Reading and
Presented by: Sara Kirk - HeinfeldMeech & Science are available.
Crystal Kalahar - Marana Unified School District Presented by: Martin James - Deer Valley
Unified School District & Bill Munch - Valley
Schools Management Group
104: Building Operation Technology Changes
Discuss new technologies to utilize in building operations
to enhance energy performance and utility rebates. In
return this saves district dollars and helps schools run 805: “Are you Giving it all You’ve Got?” Effective
more efficiently while utilizing new technology that has Medical and Pharmacy Plan Management”
proven track record. Benefits programs are a significant part of a district’s
Presented by: Chuck Hink -Pueblo Mechanical budget and are critical in attracting and retaining expe-
& Sam Garcia - Alhambra School District rienced staff. This workshop will share solid strategies
for developing, funding and managing your medical and
pharmacy program for long term success.
205: A hitchhikers guide to the galaxy of Presented by: Valley Schools
employee benefits…
Business managers, Human resource professionals and
school administrators are on a journey, constantly ex-
ploring new strategies to provide and fund the best ben-
efit program available. Just as a hitchhiker is trying
to reach their destination, economically and safely, so
are senior administrative teams and administrative staff
as they evaluate and manage the world of employee
benefits. We will discuss some basics as well as some
strategies to look at the path we all go down in evaluat-
ing employee benefits.
Presented by: Mike Hoffman & Chuck Nelson -