Page 13 - 64th Attendee Brochure
P. 13
Thursday's Agenda
July 20, 2017
Breakout Session IV Breakout Session IV
Thursday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm Thursday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm
405: The Wrath of Position Control - Part II 307: The Evolution of Cooperative Purchasing
CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN you say that you are us- The Evolution of Cooperative Procurement: Yes-
ing Position Control at your district? The answer terday, Today & Tomorrow Come learn the evo-
is either, “Sure, yeah, we use it.” or “What’s lution of cooperative procurement, from its ear-
that?” The biggest hurdle to Position Control is ly origins to today’s cooperative marketplace.
understanding exactly what it is. A good im- Discover how the industry has changed and the
plementation of Position Control will give you a future trends of cooperatives. Does your suppli-
more in-depth understanding of how positions er have multiple cooperative contracts? Learn
are defined, reported on, and funded. In this in- the right questions to ask when evaluating con-
tense 2-hr presentation we’ll go over the steps tracts and how to feel confident you’ve selected
to identifying what you need to look at and how the best one available for your District’s needs.
you can implement this at your district. While What are the elements of a successful coopera-
we’ll focus primarily on implementation using tive contract? What should you look for when
Infinite Visions, there are aspects in here that deciding whether or not to use a cooperative
are universal. Go from “I think we use *some* contract? Come away with helpful tools and
position control.” to “Heck yeah, we use Posi- best practices for incorporating a successful co-
tion Control. Got it on lock! #blessed” operative purchasing strategy at your District.
**THIS IS A 2 PART SESSION** Presented by: Wayne Casper, Nick Grund &
Presented by: Mike Martinez - MCESA & Karin Victoria Stringham - National IPA
Smith - Heinfeld Meech
308: Student Transportation
Very expensive, Very Complex, Very Abstract.
Presented by: Paul Novak - Gauge Precision Con-
sulting, Bert Herzog - Washington Elementary School
District & Trace Tolby - Auto Safety House
311: Paying the Flight Crew
Learn how to blast off safety in this session by
learning the requirements of the payroll officer.
Suit up and learn how to implement federal
406: Sun Corridor Network: Arizona’s Gigabit and state tax requirements to explore unknown
Speed Research & Education Network planets. Get inside advice from the alien au-
The Sun Corridor Network is a collaboration ditors on work calendars, prorated payroll and
among UA, ASU and NAU to share digital com- more!
munications resources and network services Presented by: Elizabeth Lopez - Nogales Uni-
among eligible users, including schools and fied School District & Casey Good - Heinfeld
libraries. It offers gigabit speed, reliable and Meech
cost effective Internet access and access to In-
ternet 2 - the national data network dedicated
to education. Through the Sun Corridor Net-
work service, schools can tap into a nationwide
community of universities, K-14 schools, librar-
ies and science centers to access digital content
and curriculum.
Presented by: Michael Sherman - Sun Corri-
dor & Garrett Godoy - Mesa Public Schools 13