Page 18 - 64th Attendee Brochure
P. 18

Friday's Agenda

                                                     July 21, 2017
                      Breakout Session V                                     Breakout Session V
                   Friday 9:00 am to 9:50 am                              Friday 9:00 am to 9:50 am

        502: Using The Power of the Schwartz to                 407: Jeopardy Game - General Procurement
                Calculate Property Taxes                        Choose  your  teammates,  join  forces  and  at-
        The implementation of HB2481 changes the method         tempt to defeat other teams on the final fron-
        on how we calculate property taxes for school districts.     tier in an epic battle!  Will Captain Kirk and his
        In 2016, Pima County school districts implemented this   team of red shirts prevail?  Or will it be Captain
        new method using the Power of the Schwartz.  Come       Picard,  Data  and  Worf  or  the  Borg  taking  the
        and  learn  how  these  new  changes  will  impact  your   prize.  Whether you are a trekker, trekkie, origi-
        school  district’s  tax  calculations  and  the  implications   nal series fan, next generation fan or a fan of
        behind these changes.
        Presented by: Karin Smith - Heinfeld-Meech &            the “Abramsverse”, come join us in a fun game
        Ricky Hernandez - Pima County School Superin-           of jeopardy.  Test your purchasing knowledge,
        tendent’s Ofc                                           while you defeat your friends... or enemies.  All
                                                                in good fun of course!
                                                                Presented by: Mark DiBlasi, Nancy Colbaugh
        404: CTE Partnerships to Prepare Our Future             & Marie Brissette - Mohave Educational Servic-
               Work Force                                       es Cooperative Inc.
        Arizona’s  competitive  advantage  in  the  economy  de-
        pends  on  a  qualified,  skilled  workforce.    There  is  an   408: Bus Technology to Protect Your District
        emphasized  need  for  CTE  programs  and  business  to
        form effective partnerships for workforce development.     Using your GPS, cameras and software for risk
        These partnerships with employers align CTE curricula   management and to mitigate litigation.
        with workplace needs that will help close the gap of our   Presented by: Malinda Sandu - SEON & Ginny
        projected workforce and the demands of jobs expected    Fish - Washington Elementary School District
        to  grow  most  rapidly  during  the  next  decade.    Part-
        nerships  with  employers  help  CTE  programs  prepare
        students for good, well-paid jobs and supply employ-    309: A Vendors Guide to Cooperative
        ers with skilled, well-trained employees.  Learn various           Procurement
        ways in which CTE programs can collaborate with other   Navigating Cooperative Procurement can be dif-
        organizations to form effective partnerships for work-  ficult today, with all the National Cooperatives
        force  development  and  empower  students  for  career   that  have  flooded  the  procurement  industry.
        and life success.
        Presented by: Tyler Shupe - McCarthy Build-             Learn some “Best Practices” that procurement
        ing Companies, Gregory Donovan - West-MEC,              people consider when deciding which coopera-
        Elizabeth  Hawkins  -  DLR  Group|WRL  &  Mark          tive to use.  Please bring all the questions that
        Davenport - SPS+ Architects                             you have to this panel discussion, in an effort to
                                                                help simplify the decision process.
                                                                Presented by: Gary Barkman - Mesa Public
        505: Emotional Intelligence                             Schools & Bill Munch - Valley School Manage-
        Emotional Intelligence can affect not only your per-    ment Group
        formance at work, but your home relationships and
        your  physical  and  mental  health.  Learning  how  to   411: The Budget Process Roadmap
        manage stress, read others, and create healthy re-      Understanding the budget life cycle and remain-
        sponses for yourself, are all part of developing one’s
        Emotional Intelligence. Just as with one on one re-     ing  compliant  with  state  regulations.    Know
        lationships, group trust, cooperation and efficiency    where  to  find  the  current  budget  forms  and
        is increased when individuals are displaying higher     staying on top of all the deadlines.  Finally, pre-
        degrees of Emotional Intelligence. This presentation    senting new and revised budgets to your school
        will focus on how to add some tools to your “profes-    board and community.
        sional toolbox” in each of the 5 categories of Emo-     Presented  by:  Adelmo  Sandoval  -  Nogales
        tional Intelligence.                                    Unified School District & Ken McGovern - Hein-
        Presented by: Brittney Williams - Heinfeld              feld Meech
        Meech                                                                                                   18
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