Page 21 - 64th Attendee Brochure
P. 21

Friday's  Agenda

                                                     July 21, 2017
                     Breakout Session VII                                   Breakout Session VII
                   Friday 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm                              Friday 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm

        702: The Do’s and Don’ts of Effective                   604: “BIM me up Scotty”...21st Technologies in
                Leadership Communication                                the Constriction Industry That are Saving
        FACT: Everyone has their own dominant style                     Money & Time
        of  communication.  FACT:  There  are  do’s  and        Learn what new and exciting technologies are be-
        don’ts of every communication style. FACT: An           ing used in 21st century construction. See what a
        effective  business  team  is  comprised  of  indi-     positive impact these technologies are having. Tech-
        viduals  who  collectively  bring  the  talents  and    nologies that are saving money, time and resources,
        skills necessary to do a lot with a little in to-       such as:
        day’s school finance environment. As a leader,          BIM (Building Information Model)
                                                                3D printing                3D Imaging
        your  team  will  follow  you  if  1)  they  hear  you   Virtual Building           Virtual Tours
        and  2)  they  respect  you.  Come  to  this  class     Drone Technology       Digital As-builts
        to learn the skills of effective communication,         Clash Detection          Blue Beam
        to  be  heard  and  respected.  This  presentation      Plan Grid
        will show you the path to learning the do’s and         The  days  of  walking  the  site  with  a  roll  of  paper
        don’ts of communication and ways your entire            drawings  is  over.  Superintendents  use  tablets  and
        team will benefit from it.                              other smart devices to accomplish in moments what
        Presented by: Melissa Higdon - Forecast5                used  to  take  minutes,  hours  or  days.  These  tech-
        Analytics & Joanne Fimbres - Pendergast El-             nologies provide contractors and designers the abil-
        ementary School District                                ity to more accurately assess building sites, existing
                                                                structures, traffic flows, native habitats, along with
                                                                many other benefits. Also, these technologies pre-
                                                                serve and enhance budgets, allow for compressed
        802: Special Education Maintenance of Effort            schedules and help eliminate waste. These technol-
                Training                                        ogies act as a great tool to present complex projects
        How to make sure that special education main-           to those who are not familiar with the construction
        tenance of effort issues are not rocket science.        industry, such as, community groups, board mem-
        Presented by: Chris Brown, Alissa Trollinger &          bers, campus staff and students. These technologies
        Mike Mannelly - Arizona Department of Educa-            are excellent teaching aides and can show real life
        tion                                                    applications of STEM/STEAM in our industry.
                                                                Presented  by:  Joe  Holcombe,  Barry  Chasse,
                                                                John Theis - Chasse Building Team, Tom Huff-
                                                                man - Agua Fria Union High School District

                                                                605: How to Properly Conduct and Employee
                                                                Unfortunately  we  experience  situations  where
                                                                an  employee  investigation  must  occur.    What
                                                                are the important steps a supervisor must fol-
        503: Contract Management                                low to protect the organization and you as the
        Considering  Outsourcing?    From  a  previous          supervisor?    What  are  the  proper  procedures
        management foodservice director perspective,            to  follow  and  the  important  documentation
        you  gain insight into the bidding process, ex-         to maintain?  This session will review the key
        pectations  from  the  management  company,             steps to follow when conducting an employee
        benefits and downfalls, and the results.                investigation.
        Presented  by:  Tom  Soika  -    Peoria  Unified        Presented  by:  Denise  Lowell-Britt  -  Udall
        School District                                         Shumway
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