Page 23 - 64th Attendee Brochure
P. 23
Friday's Agenda
July 21, 2017
Refreshments and Networking Breakout Session VIII
Friday 3:20 pm to 3:40 pm Friday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm
Breakout Session VIII 705: “In My Experience There Is No Such Thing
Friday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm As Luck” : Hiring in the age of a Teacher
401: “Records and Information Management As Obi-Wan Kenobi adeptly called it… Attracting
for School Districts - What you need to and keeping quality teachers in classrooms is a
know” constant challenge, but takes constant practice.
The presentation would review school district held With about a third of the teaching force nearing
records and the State Retention Schedules and retirement, hiring in the age of a teacher short-
best practices for managing information and re- age is both a recruitment and retention issue.
cords in compliance with State guidelines. In this session we will review the conditions of
Presented by: Mary Simmons - Dysart Unified the shortage and discuss tools for recruitment
School District, Ruben Vargas & Timothy Provenz- and hiring.
ano - Arizona State Library Archives and Public Presented by: Janet Rico Uhrig - Tucson Uni-
Records Division of the Secretary of State’s Office fied School District
902: ADM from SIS to Budget 706: Dark Fiber - Surviving the E-Rate Process
Working with the ADE audit unit to present how Amphitheater Unified is on track to be one of
to get from your student information system the first districts in the nation to be funded for
ADM to the final ADM that will be used in state Dark Fiber under the new E-Rate rules. This
calculations. session will explain what Dark Fiber is and how
Presented by: Travis E. Zander CPA - Agua it could be the future for some school districts.
Fria Union High School District The District has been navigating the process as
USAC (Universal Service Administrative Com-
pany) Schools and Libraries Program (E-Rate)
704: After Hours Use of Facilities: Cost as they develop the rules for this newly eligible
Awareness and Cost expense. The session will cover multiple as-
What should you consider when renting your facil- pects of Dark Fiber from Information Technol-
ity to the general public? What items do you need ogy, Procurement and Finance
to consider and be prepared to handle? The after- Presented by: Scott Little & Steve Frost - Am-
hours use of school facilities costs real dollars and phitheater Unified School District
time of your personnel across multiple departments
at your institution. In this session we will cover:
1. How to determine the cost of your after-hours 707: More Efficient Purchasing Using Punch-Out
events Learn how your procurement software’s e-
2. How to improve customer service without cutting Shopping (punch out) tool can help your district
3. How to build a strong cost recovery program at improve its purchasing process from requisition
your institution and how to motivate multiple de- through ordering.
partments to join Presented by: Laura Szymanoski - Dysart Uni-
4. Critical issues to examine and consider when cre- fied School District, Kevin Startt & Diana Ker-
ating facility use contracts, plans and rental prices foot - Tucson Unified School District, Kim Balen-
5. Strategies to build a business case for recovering tine - Tyler Technologies, Kurt VanHandel &
more costs and incorporating tiered fee structures. Allie Tossberg - School Specialty
Presented by: Lauren Horton & Joshua Peach
- SchoolDude