Page 22 - 64th Attendee Brochure
P. 22
Friday's Agenda
July 21, 2017
Breakout Session VII
Friday 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm
606: Set Phasers To Stun
Don’t let your applications and data be de-
stroyed by a disaster. Recover with only a few
scratches and live to battle another day. In this
session you’ll learn how Agua Fria Union High
School District maximized availability for their
modern data center by deploying Veeam Soft-
ware. This includes Backup and Replication of
their servers, automated testing of backups for
audit compliance, complete monitoring and re-
porting of their virtual environment, plus more!
Presented by: Mike Sheppard - Agua Fria
High School District & Jeremi Green - Veeam
607: SPACE TIME and the BRG
A discussion of the process of submitting Grants,
and is there a warp speed button.
Presented by: Michelle Hamilton - Mesa Public
Schools & David Bosak Sr. - bo ARCH L.L.C.
508: Understanding Transportation Reports from
the Audit Perspective
Internal audits staying compliant.
Presented by: Eugene Park - Heinfeld-Meech
& Brian Lockery - Queen Creek Unified School
District & Bert Herzog - Washington Elementary
School District
511: The ABC’s of the Business Office
New to the business office or in need of a re-
fresher? This session will provide you the basic
framework for proper policies and procedures
related to the USFR Chart of Accounts, Journal
Entries, the user role listing of your general led-
ger system, and basic internal controls for the
business office. We will go over best practices
and helpful resources to give you the founda-
tion to become a “shooting star”.
Presented by: Deanna M. Dumolien - Creigh-
ton Elementary School District & Josh Jumper -
Heinfeld Meech 22