Page 17 - 64th Attendee Brochure
P. 17
Friday's Morning Agenda
July 21, 2017
Warp Speed Wellness Fun run & Walk
6:45 am Meet at Starr Pass Circle
Sponsored by Valley Schools Management Group
Join us for the Warp Speed Wellness Walk!
If you’re on a voyage to get your health in gear, take time to start the day off with our family-orient-
ed fun run at 6:45 am on Friday, July 21st at the Starr Pass Resort.
Exercise is an important part in any voyage to wellness and studies suggest that not only can it help
boost strength, but it can improve heart health and relieve stress. After all, we want you all to live
long and prosper! This one-mile event involves a casual walk, jog or warp-speed run around the
grounds at the JW Marriott Starr Pass.
Participation includes a stellar (AASBO) shirt for adults and kids. In addition, participants of all ages
have an opportunity to win gift cards and prizes. Participation is free and is open to all AASBO mem-
bers, their families and exhibitors. Come join us!
A light breakfast of Grab and Go items will be available at the circle!
Breakfast Voting-
7:00 am to 8:30 am AASBO Board of
Grab a bite from our fabulous continental break-
fast and then head to your session or the expo!
8:00 am to 10:00 am
Cast your ballot for your desired candidate for
AASBO Board of Directors. Positions open for
election in 2017 are:
Voted on by Active School Business Officials
• Vice President
• Director of Purchasing
• Director of Information Technology
Voted on by Active Business Associates
• Vendor Representative
AASBO Exhibition
8:00 am to 11:00 am
Arizona Ballroom, Conference
Center Foyer, and Ania Terrace
There will be door prize drawings throughout
the time the exhibition is open. Admission is by
conference badge.