Page 12 - 64th Attendee Brochure
P. 12
Thursday's Agenda
July 20, 2017
Refreshments and Networking Breakout Session IV
Thursday 3:20 pm to 3:40 pm Thursday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm
Breakout Session IV 303: Procurement Updates for Child Nutrition
Thursday 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm Child Nutrition Program operators must follow
the procurement rules at 2 CFR Part 200. The
301: Are your capital assets ready to be audited? new rules require use of documented procure-
Are you sinking into the Black Hole forever ment procedures which reflect applicable State,
searching for those elusive assets? Ever feel local and federal laws and regulations. Pur-
like you are in another dimension when try- chasing and child nutrition directors will both
ing to reconcile Capital Assets with the General receive the updated information about the re-
Ledger? Are you going where no man has gone quirements along with the tools and training
before? Do not fear, the StarFleet is here!! Join available through the Arizona Department of
Commander Ken McGovern and Fleet Admiral Education.
Tracy McLaughlin as they navigate the StarFleet Presented by: Veronica Cramer - ADE
through the common barriers and black holes
of Capital Assets.
Presented by: Tracy McLaughlin - MECSA & 304: Playground Maintenance and Safety: Keep
Ken McGovern - Heinfeld-Meech Your Playground Compliant and Fun
The benefits to children of free play and daily
exposure to nature have been researched and
402: THE FRONTIER IS ABOUT CHOICE reported in nearly every media outlet over the
This session will explore how educational provider past year. “Children are smarter, more coop-
choice is changing the landscape in public educa- erative, happier and healthier when they have
tion as it relates to planning for future enrollment frequent and varied opportunities for free and
levels, facilities and services. The session will begin unstructured play in the out-of-doors,” says the
with a review of the traditional means and methods Children and Nature Network. Nearly 200,000
used to generate projections of school-age popula- injuries occur annually on public playgrounds
tion for school districts and the relationship between that require emergency room treatment. By
student population and enrollment in schools. Topics
will include basic measurements and models, and the following recommended best practice guide-
changes in school-age population that are caused by lines, playground owners can create safer play-
changing demographics and new housing develop- ground environments for all children and con-
ment. The second part of the presentation will focus tribute to the reduction of playground related
on the historical and current differences that exist injuries. This session will highlight the primary
between the school-age population of a neighbor- causes of playground injuries and discuss the
hood and the enrollment at any given public school responsibilities of owners and manufactur-
district or school. This portion will feature information ers for providing and maintaining safe play-
on the movement of students within school districts,
between school districts and to and from charter grounds. Participants will gain understanding
schools. It will examine the impact that open enroll- of the current regulatory environment and how
ment and the growth in charter schools have had on to develop operational policies to ensure com-
enrollment, and the socioeconomic and ethnic com- pliance with standards. Finally participants will
position of enrollment. Finally, the presentation will learn how to establish a playground audit and
conclude with an assessment of how current trends inspection protocol that can become routine
in the available choices for elementary and secondary business practice.
education are going to impact enrollment in the near Presented by: Christy Bushman & Dan Gar-
term. This includes the continued growth of charter
schools and on-line/at-home education, as well as diner - Exerplay, Inc., John McConkey & Tim
the potential expansion of vouchers. Barrett - Landscape Structures & Erwin White
Presented by: Rick Brammer - Applied Eco- - Chinle Unified School District
nomics LLC & Dr. Laura Felton - Paradise Valley
Unified School District 12