Page 11 - 64th Attendee Brochure
P. 11
Thursday's Agenda
July 20, 2017
Breakout Session III Breakout Session III
2:30 pm to 3:20 pm 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm
305: The Wrath of Position Control - Part I 207: USDA - Federal Requirements - What’s
CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN you say that you are us- new? - (Round 2)
ing Position Control at your district? The answer As you may already know, the USDA changed
is either, “Sure, yeah, we use it.” or “What’s the solicitation requirements for purchases
that?” The biggest hurdle to Position Control is made using Federal funds. Join the Arizona
understanding exactly what it is. A good im- Department of Education and learn what terms
plementation of Position Control will give you a and conditions need to be incorporated within
more in-depth understanding of how positions the solicitation as well as additional require-
are defined, reported on, and funded. In this in- ments for purchases made under the Child Nu-
tense 2-hr presentation we’ll go over the steps trition Programs.
to identifying what you need to look at and how Presented by: Julie Shelton & Veronica Cra-
you can implement this at your district. While mer - Arizona Dept. of Education
we’ll focus primarily on implementation using
Infinite Visions, there are aspects in here that
are universal. Go from “I think we use *some* 208: 4 years after Sandy Hook-Are you ready?
position control.” to “Heck yeah, we use Posi- Paul will take an in-depth look at the tragedy
tion Control. Got it on lock! #blessed” of Sandy Hook Elementary School 4 years later
**THIS IS A 2 PART SESSION** and we will look at what we should be doing to
Presented by: Mike Martinez -MCESA & Karin keep it from happening in todays schools.
Smith - Heinfeld Meech Presented by: Paul Novak - Gauge Precision
Consulting & Bert Herzog - Washington Elemen-
tary School District
209: Doing business with Schools!
The Top 10 List!
Presenting best practices for doing business
with schools from a procurement professional’s
Presented by: Mark Kinsey - Marana Unified
School District, Diana Kerfoot & Kevin Startt -
Tucson Unified School District
306: Do You Have a Cyber Incident Response
Plan for Your District? 111: How to Become a Supernova Purchasing
This is the second part of the presentation Agent
presented at the AASBO Spring Conference This session is designed for those new to the procure-
(“School Districts Are Not Immune to Cyber Li- ment process or for those wanting a refresher on pro-
ability”). This presentation will give you a brief curement best practices. Tips and tricks for tracking
procurement thresholds and vendors, deciding when
overview of how vulnerable school districts are to use an RFP over an IFB, utilizing cooperatives while
to cyber incidents and help you to create or performing adequate due diligence, and properly docu-
strengthen your Cyber Incident Response Plan menting emergency and sole source procurements are
for your district. Resources to assist you will be just a few items that will be discussed. Take a look at
discussed and provided. purchasing from both the perspective of an auditor and
Presented by: Ruth Unks - Timberland Con- a seasoned business office veteran.
sulting LLC, Wes Gates - Arizona School Risk Presented by: Mark VanDero - Flowing Wells
Retention Trust & David Sanders - Mesa Public Unified School District, Jim Rebenar & Kara
Schools Jungbluth - Heinfeld Meech 11