Page 10 - 64th Attendee Brochure
P. 10
Thursday's Agenda
July 20, 2017
Breakout Session III Breakout Session III
2:30 pm to 3:20 pm 2:30 pm to 3:20 pm
201: Improving Your District One Process at a 403: Unpaid Meal Charges, Meal Charge Policies, and
Time! Refunds - How does this impact your business
Efficiency and effectiveness using continuous office?
improvement principles for all business areas in After evaluation of meal charge policies and unpaid
a school district. Deer Valley School District has meal charges, USDA requires schools to maintain a
used continuous improvement to make process written meal charge policy. But do you know the
improvements therefore improving efficiency real impact it could have on the school district’s bud-
in most areas of operations including Human get? Do you know what communication is required?
Resources, Facility Maintenance, Purchasing, Join us in a session that both explains the updated
Transportation and Finance. We will walk par- regulations from ADE and allows you to discuss what
ticipants through how to improve a process us- other districts are doing.
ing an example from Deer Valley. Presented by: Erin Raczynski - ADE
Presented by: Sandra Kube - Southwest Alli-
ance for Excellence & Heather Mock - Deer Val-
ley Unified School District
302: It’s Your Deal: Roles and Responsibilities
in a Municipal Issuance
When you decide to issue municipal bonds to
finance public projects in your state or com-
munity, it’s your deal. The Municipal Securi-
ties Rulemaking Board (MSRB) provides tools
and resources to empower bond issuers at the
deal table. This session will review the regula-
tory protections governing what issuers should
expect from municipal finance professionals;
bond issuers’ obligations related to continuing
disclosure; and useful features of the MSRB’s
Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA®)
website specifically for issuers. 204: Emergency Preparedness: Establishing
Presented by: Rita McLaughlin - MSRB & Char- the Right Team & Partnerships
lotte Gates - Sahuarita Unified School District Creating or updating an Emergency Response
Plan (ERP) can be overwhelming. To make this
process easier, it is important to select the right
team to assist you! This presentation will cover
who from your staff should be included on the
team, as well as how to make and establish re-
lationships with your community partners.
Presented by: Kaylee Sorensen - Arizona
School Risk Retention Trust & Bim Frost -
Chandler Unified School District