Page 7 - 64th Attendee Brochure
P. 7

Thursday's  Agenda

                                                     July 20, 2017
                       Breakout Session I                                    Breakout Session I
                 Thursday 9:00 am to 9:50 am                            Thursday 9:00 am to 9:50 am

        101: Could a full reconciliation process help you      106: Arizona Broadband for Education Initiative
                discover the 9th planet?                       The  Arizona  Corporation  Commission  has  ap-
        Fasten your Kuiper Belt for a full reconciliation orbit. A   proved funding to build infrastructure to support
        complete reconciliation process is more than reconciling   high speed internet access to schools that are in
        your bank statement. Do you know where the proper      need all over Arizona. Using Erate and 10% state
        process should start and end?  Join us and learn what   matching funds, we can bring high speed, scal-
        a complete monthly reconciliations cycle means; from
        your POS system, to the bank statement, the county     able internet anywhere in the state for no cost
        treasurer, and general ledger.  to the school / district (80% NSLP and above).
        ing the 9th planet for your district.                  Presented by: Milan Eaton - Arizona Depart-
        Presented by: Courtney Pina, Francie Wolfe-            ment of Education
        Baumann & Lisa Smith - Dysart Unified School
                                                               108: Purchasing 101 for Users
                                                               This session will cover an overview of the uni-
        102: Maintaining Bond Compliance –                     verse  of  UFSR  requirements  for  purchasing.
                Resistance is Futile!                          Participants will be given best practice strategies
        School  finance  management  can  be  overwhelming,    for  obtaining  quotes  efficiently  and  effectively.
        and  adding  bond  compliance  to  the  list  of  things  to  do,   You can remain compliant and get the job done.
        makes  a  business  manager  say  “Beam  me  up,  Scot-  Bring your purchasing questions that go beyond
        tie”.    But  we  can’t  escape  the  fact  that  bond  compli-
        ance is a priority, just as much as budget compliance is.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the final frontier.
        This  session  will  provide  an  overall  understanding  of  the   Presented by: Gary Barkman - Mesa Public
        post-bond sale compliance requirements.  For example, do   Schools & Bill Munch - Valley Schools Manage-
        you know that proceeds must be used within three years   ment Group
        of sale?  Do you know what a reportable event is? Or that
        district bond expenditures must be in accordance with the
        voter pamphlet, and you must submit an annual report to
        the governing board?  There are state, federal, and secu-  109: State of Education & Influencing the
        rity laws that “make it so” (you must comply).  The area           Influencer
        with  the  most  Klingon  activity  is  in  continuing  disclosure   How  is  the  education  community  perceived  by
        requirements, which will be covered near and far.  All of this
        compliance  sounds  like  a  foreign  language,  like  Klingon;   policy makers.  What ideology or policies can we
        but don’t worry, we will have “Klingon” translators present!     expect in 2018? How to expand on or change the
        After all, it was Captain Kirk who said, “A captain of a ship,   mind of those policy makers.
        no matter his rank, must follow the book.”             Presented by: Jill Barragan - Avondale El-
        Presented by: Kathryn Pong & Megan Burke               ementary District, Meghaen Dell’Artino & Marcus
         - RBC Capital Markets, William C. Davis - Piper       Dell’Artino - Public Policy Partners
        Jaffray, Bryan Lundberg & Mike Lavalee - Stifel,
        Nicolaus & Co., James T. Giel - Gust Rosenfeld,
        Melissa Higdon - Forecast5 Analytics & Mike
        Barragan - Glendale Elementary School District

        103: A Fresh Look at an Administrative Review
        Do you have your administrative in 2017-2018 SY?
        Peoria USD just completed the annual review.  Learn
        about  the  little  things  that  you  may  never  have
        thought about to keep your review clean!
        Presented by: Sandra Schossow - Peoria Uni-
        fied School District
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