Page 5 - 2010 Spring Conference brochure
P. 5

203:  Grounds Maintenance
   Presenters: Terry Crosier—Phoenix Elementary School District and Boyd Smith—ABM Landscape
   This presentation will detail concepts and review concrete examples of how your district can provide and maintain a safe, attractive
   environment at your facilities even in today’s difficult economic times.

   303:  Asphalt Maintenance
   Presenters: Tony Aguirre—Phoenix Elementary School District, Mike Jenson—Ace Asphalt and Ron Erickson—Ace Asphalt
   Join this presentation to review the keys to keeping your parking lots in tact and black for years to come.

   403:  Addressing Your Cleaning Challenges
   Presenters: Anthony Gannuscio—Phoenix Elementary School District and Jim Henderson—Hillyard
   This presentation will provide you with options and strategies that you can use to address your district’s custodial needs while keeping you
   within your budget.


   104:  Spec Writing 101
   Presenters: Cindi Hostetler ‐ Mesa Unified School District and Bill Munch ‐ Mesa Unified School District
   This presentation will identify best practices for issuing the “hard‐to‐spec” solicitations. Avoid the pitfalls of proprietary specs,
   vendor assisted specs, and other specification stumbling blocks. Join us for discussion on the “Request for Information” process and
   other strategies to create “squeaky clean specs”.

   204:   How to Evaluate an RFP
   Presenter: Tom Peeler ‐ Mohave Educational Services Cooperative
   Contracting with competitive sealed proposals is a valuable tool for school procurement. This session will discuss how to compare
   offers in order to effectively determine the proposal most advantageous to the school district.

   304:   How can Purchasing Help When Budgets are Tight?
   Presenter: Bonnie Gonzalez ‐ Phoenix Union High School District
   Join us for a discussion on how using standardization, cooperative purchasing contracts and planning can help your district save
   money. This presentation will provide some hints on how to market the value of purchasing to administration and tips on making
   purchasing look like the “facilitators” that add value and not the perceived bottleneck of district operations.

   404:   Job Order Contracting
   Presenters: Mark Kinsey ‐ Mohave Educational Services Cooperative and Bill Brannen, ‐ Flagstaff Unified School District
   This presentation will review how to procure, the hidden value, and real world uses of Job Order Contracting (JOC) in schools.  The
   presenters will guide attendees through the Job Order Contracting procurement process (Arizona Statutes and Arizona Department
   of Education School Procurement Rules), identify the hidden values of using JOC, and show numerous real world uses for this type
   of contract in K‐12 schools in Arizona.

   Administrative Services

   105:    Tips on USFR Compliance and the 90‐day Letter Process
   Presenters: Donna Horton ‐ Sierra Vista Unified School District and Melissa Spangler ‐ Heinfeld & Meech
   Are you worried about the potential of a 90 day letter?  Has your district or a neighboring district received one?  This presentation
   will review the 90‐day letter process and provide helpful processes and tips that can help district maintain compliance with the

   205:   What to Expect and How to Prepare for an E‐Rate Audit
   Presenter: Danny O’Brien ‐ Tolleson Elementary School District
   The presenter has been through three levels of an E‐Rate audit, and he will share his experiences and insights about the process.
   As more and more districts take advantage of E‐rate funding, we all need to be ready for an E‐Rate audit.

   305:   House Bill 2011 and FY 2011 Teacher Contracts
   Presenter: Chris Thomas ‐ Arizona School Boards Association
   This presentation will review information about the new teacher employment laws and the implications of HB2011.  Guidance will
   be provided on the effect that this recent legislation will have on the teacher contracts used by Arizona school districts.
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