Page 5 - 2019 Spring Conference
P. 5

3:05 PM

                      Breakout Session IV
         401: Budget Control Groups - The tool of the
                future to manage all your Clubs, Tax
                Credits, and Donations
         402: Learning from the PAST & looking to the
                 FUTURE - Elections Best Practices
         404: CareerTechEd: The New Collar Skills and
                 Jobs That You Need to Know
         405: Safety Leadership by Example
         406: Safety and Security in K-12, a
                 Conversation with Arizona School
         407: Turning “Trash” Into Cash. Creative But
                 Legal Disposition Methods
         408: Leadership in Training: Arizona
                 Department of Education
                 Transportation Guidelines: How to
                 Prepare Transportation Route and
                 Vehicle Inventory Reports
         409: Using the RFI Process for a Better Future!

                            4:00 PM

                 End of Forth Quarter
                  Conference Sessions End

                            4:30 PM
             Come Build your AASBO TEAM

                     Spirit with Bowling!
           There will be no charge for bowling or
              shoes for pre-registered attendees.

                          Riverside Lanes

                            6:30 PM
                         Blues & Brews

                          Splash Cabaret


                          Dinner Buffet

                      Windows on the River
             *Buffet Vouchers will be passed out at Lunch*
                          Evening Free                                                                         5
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