Page 10 - 2019 Spring Conference
P. 10

Child Nutrition

                              10:45 AM                              Professional
          103: Fueling Your Daily Activity

          The Good the Bad and the Ugly of Break-                   Development
          fast in the Classroom (a roundtable discus-                              10:45 AM
          sion of departments). Directors from vari-           110: A Bright Future Through Higher

          ous  districts  and  departments  share  their

          perspectives on Breakfast in the Classroom.                 Education
          This is an opportunity to hear from both             Learn how you can brighten your future by
          Food  and  Nutrition  and  Operations  and           earning college degree credit through AAS-
          Maintenance on a topic that impacts both             BO and its partnership with Ottawa Uni-
          departments.                                         versity!  Find  out  about  available  AASBO

                                                               classes as well as tuition discounts for the
          Presented By: Linda Sharrett - Avondale Ele-
          mentary School District, Jason Woods - Buck-         bachelor’s and master’s programs.
          eye Elementary School District, Sam Garcia -         Presented By: Jeffrey Gadd - AASBO & Tina
          Alhambra Elementary School District, Sandra          Hughes - Ottawa University
          Schossow  -  Peoria  Unified  School  District  &
          Robert Jacobson - Laveen Elementary School

                              12:45 PM
          203: Contracts and the Salary Cap

          How to know whether a co-op is right for
          your team.  Are you making the most of
          your dollars?  Do you struggle with pro-

          curement  regulations?    See  how  a  co-op
          can help you.

          Presented  By:  Linda  Sharrett  -  Avondale  El-
          ementary  School  District,  Tami  Hitt-Wyant  -
          ASPIN & Deborah Sandoval - Mohave Educa-
          tional Services Cooperative Inc.

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