Page 8 - 2019 Spring Conference
P. 8

Accounting Sessions

                             10:45 AM                                               2:00 PM
          101: Shining a Light on Account Coding               301: Avoid Common Compliance Issues

                                                                      for a Brighter Future
          Move into a brighter future with a clear-
          er image of coding in line with the USFR             Looking over an audit can feel like living in
          Chart of Accounts. Let’s work together to            the past, but looking with an eye toward
          shine a light on coding questions and help           avoiding common compliance issues is tak-
          everyone move forward with a better un-              ing a step into a brighter future. We will

          derstanding  of  how  to  classify  revenues         share common items noted in our review
          and expenditures.                                    of  school  district  compliance  question-
                                                               naires and discuss ways districts can avoid
          Presented  By:  Amanda  Winn  &  Chris  Vo-          those and other issues for a brighter future.
          troubek - AZ Auditor General’s Office

                                                               Presented  By:  Amanda  Winn  &  Chris  Vo-
                                                               troubek - AZ Auditor General’s Office
                              12:45 PM
          201: P Card Program - is it for your                                      3:05 PM
                 District?                                     401: Budget Control Groups - The tool

                                                                      of the future to manage all your
          Let  the  future  shine  bright  for  P  Cards!
          Creating a successful P Card Program that                   Clubs, Tax Credits, and Donations
          complies  with  the  USFR,  and  your  Gov-          Budget Control Groups (BCG) are not just
          erning  Board  Policy  can  be  challenging.         for  controlling  budgets.  See  how  this  Vi-
          How do you tailor a P Card Program for a             sions tool can streamline your accounting

          specific type of user such as Student Clubs          and reporting on all of your cash driven ac-
          Sponsors,  Culinary  teachers,  etc.?  Who           counts like Student Activities, Auxiliary Op-
          gets  a  P  Card,  what  can  they  buy  and         erations, Tax Credit, Gifts and Donations,
          who  reviews  the  transactions?  What  pa-          etc. You can do all this without adding any
          perwork is required for each transaction?            elements  to  your  current  account  code
          How does the transaction become part of              structure. This tool can be used in your cur-
          the  monthly  expenditures  for  each  site?         rent connection group or in a stand-alone
          This session will review the requirements,           connection group for just these funds. This
          general  processing,  checks  and  balances,         session will explain the how and why of us-

          and best practices to allow maximum use              ing BCG’s including year end rollover, cre-
          of  the  P  Card  Program  and  still  comply        ating your own BCG accounting structure
          with the requirements.                               and creating custom reports for each club,

          Presented By: Christina Ulman - Peoria Uni-          school or district that can help you better
          fied School District                                 manage your cash funds.

                                                               Presented By: Roger Studley - Bowie Unified
         8                                                     School District
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