Page 13 - 2019 Spring Conference
P. 13
Information Technology Sessions
10:45 AM 2:00 PM
106: The Intersection of Cybersecurity 306: Keep your Defensive Line Strong:
and Law Web Filtering and Student
K-12 schools are subject to several Federal and
State laws which aim to protect the privacy of Web filtering in today’s schools is about more
students, employees, and their families. These than blocking and allowing web sites; it’s also
laws include, but are not limited to, CIPA, about keeping students safe — from inappro-
FERPA, PPRA, HIPAA, and COPPA. Districts priate content as well as from things like self
have a responsibility to implement cybersecu- harm, bullying, and school violence. In this
rity controls to comply with these laws. Cy- session, learn how Mesa Public Schools filter,
bersecurity requirements may include controls manage, monitor, & protects their students.
such as monitoring, encryption, risk assess-
ments, and vulnerabilities assessments. Come You’ll learn how:
to this session to learn about these laws and • Dynamic reporting can give you detailed,
how districts can use the NIST 800-53 (rev. 4) granular reports on individual students
controls manual to select appropriate cyberse- • Smart Agents solve SSL decryption without the
curity controls. hassles of proxies, PAC files, or trust certs
• AI-based insights and real-time alerts on con-
Presented By: George Gerado - Western cerning student activity
Maricopa Education Center, Ruth A. Unks, • Remotely set policies to every device and OS
• And more!
ARM, DRM, CRM - Timberland Consult-
ing LLC & Ted A. LeSueur, HCISPP, CISSP, Presented By: Garrett Godoy - Mesa Public
QSC, MsCIS(h) - Arizona School Risk Re- Schools & Kyle Ball - Lightspeed Systems
tention Trust
3:05 PM
12:45 PM 406: Safety and Security in K-12, a
206: IoT Isn’t Just a Sensor Conversation with Arizona School
There are lots of perceptions about IoT. Usu-
ally they are based on experiences with Smart Join our panel representing several Ari-
devices or hype in the media. The truth is it zona school districts discussing topics sur-
doesn’t have to be complicated and there are rounding how challenges and opportuni-
many simple ways IoT can have an impact ties surrounding maintaining a safe and
and improve education. In this session we will secure technology environment with our
explore some of the everyday uses cases for
IoT in education and how you can start simple moderator Jerod Adkins (Cisco RM) lead-
and realize tangible results. ing the conversation.
Presented By: Russell Deneault - Glendale
Presented By: Tom Clark - Glendale Elemen- Elementary School District & Jerod Adkins -
tary School District & Matt Fistler - Logicalis