Page 14 - 2019 Spring Conference
P. 14

Purchasing Sessions

                              10:45 AM                                              2:00 PM
          107: IFB’S - Making User Friendly                    307: Co-Op Rationale - R7-2-1004

                                                                       Written Determination
          Simplified step by step process for complet-
          ing an IFB in layman terms. This session will  New  rule  went  into  effect  on  August  8,
          help you draft user friendly IFB’s as well as  2018.  Learn some best practice methods
          provide guidance to vendors for providing  for implementing this rationale determina-
          an IFB response.                                     tion  that  needs  to  be  completed  for  any

                                                               specified  professional  services,  construc-
          Presented By: Lila McCleery - Moderator,             tion, construction services or materials to
          Phoenix Union High School District,                  an  entity  selected  from  a  qualified  select
          Larry Larson  - Phoenix Union High School Dis-
          trict, Joe Holcombe - Chasse Building Team,          bidders list or through a  school purchasing
          Allie Tossberg - School Specialty & Lynn Hagen       cooperative.
          - 1GPA
                                                               Presented By: Laura Szymanoski - Dysart Uni-
                                                               fied School District, Gary Barkman - Mesa Pub-
                                                               lic Schools  & Bill Munch - Valley Schools Man-
                              12:45 PM                         agement Group
          207: Owners Representation and
                  Project Management

                                                                                    3:05 PM
          This panel discussion will explore potential         407: Turning “Trash” Into Cash. Creative
          solutions  to  help  School  Districts  provide
          the  proper  due  diligence  on  how  to  go                 But Legal Disposition Methods
          beyond  managing  individual  construction           Are you receiving maximum revenue ben-

          projects within your School Districts.               efits from recycling?  Are there hidden sav-
          Learn  the  benefits  of  augmenting  scopes         ings when it comes to recycling?  Do you
          without sacrificing budget.  Learn how to            have to accept trade-in value offered by the
          implement  owners  representation  within            vendor?  Can my District hold its own auc-
          project management.                                  tion? What can my District do differently?
          We have put together a panel of industry             Attend this session and gain a whole new
          experts to explore these and other project           insight  to  recycling  options  and  creative
          management issues.                                   ways to dispose of assets and non-assets in

                                                               your District.
          Presented By: Roger Spivey - Moderator,
          Litchfield  Elementary  School  District,  Ross      Presented By: Tony Scarfo & Lila McCleery -
          Robb - Nations Group, Charlie Bowers -               Phoenix Union High School District
          Estimating Plus, LLC, Bonnie Gonzales -
          H2 Group, Steve Jones  - Arcadis & Allison Su-
          riano - FMGroup

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