Page 16 - 2019 Spring Conference
P. 16
Vendor Sessions
209: Vendor Forum 409: Using the RFI Process for a Better
Vendors coming together to discuss some
of the following topics to enhance the Has your District utilized this process? Why
AASBO experience. would you not consider this as an alternative
• Selection and Presentation of educa- to asking for another District’s sample solici-
tional sessions at conferences tation? Keep your vendors involved and get
• Opportunities for hands-on workshops valuable information to help develop your
• Conference enhancements own solicitation. This session will help give
• Networking ideas you the step-by-step process for building
your own solicitation.
Presented By: Deborah Sandoval - Mohave
Educational Services Cooperative Inc. Presented By: Bobby WIlliams II & Gary Bark-
man - Mesa Public Schools
309: OSHA - CTE What it Really Means
Understanding how OSHA credentials can
be given through CTE (Continuing Techni-
cal Eduction) programs.
Presented By: Lisa G. Hogle, M.Ed. -Western
OSHA Education Center, Del E. Webb School
of Construction