Page 19 - 2019 Spring Conference
P. 19

Pre-Conference sessions

                      Information Technology

                   Wednesday, April 3, 2019                    301P: AASBO Connected Communities:
                      8:00 AM - 4:00 PM                                 Bringing the Team Together

            Aquarius Conference Center, Laughlin, NV           Get started with AASBO’s newest tool for shrink-
                                                               ing  the  distances  between  Arizona’s  school  dis-
                                                               tricts. Learn hands-on how to start using and cre-
                          Keynote Address:                     ating communities with AASBO.
                  What is Cybersecurity All About?
                                                               Presented By: Russell Deneault - Glendale Elemen-
         How do we deliver services to our users in a reli-    tary School District
         able, agile, yet secure manner…affordably?  Learn
         about  some  of  the  latest  trends  in  the  evolving
         threat  landscape  as  well  as  a  comprehensive  se- 401P: Tales from the Dark Side How to
         curity architecture that can help you protect your           Steal a Billion Dollars Or How to
         network, data, and users.                                      Prevent It.

         Presented by: Russell Deneault - Glendale Elemen-     During this session, participants will be presented
         tary School District & Miguel De Zubeldia - Cisco     information  related  to  technology  and  security
                                                               trends that hackers are using to attack their school
                                                               district along with steps to doing business in a safer
         101P: Team Arizona Assemble                           way.

         Get to know districts and vendor representatives  Presented By: Russell Deneault - Glendale El-
         around the room while discussing recent develop- ementary School District & Michael Nyman -
         ments  and  success  with  technology  implementa- CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP

         Presented By: Russell Deneault - Glendale Elemen-     501P: A Strong Defense is the Best Offense
         tary School District
                                                               The best way to win at running a successful tech-
                                                               nology team is to build a strong defense. Let your
         201P: E-Rate Update                                   offensive  side  soar  by  protecting  and  fortifying
                                                               your infrastructure and data. Keep your services
         What’s new in E-Rate. Avoid pitfalls and line your  going strong with concepts including physical net-
         team up to knock it out of the park.                  work  redundancy,  SIP  trunk,  multiple  ISPs,  and
                                                               cloud/colo connectivity.
         Presented  By:  Russell  Deneault  -  Glendale  Ele-
         mentary School District & EJ Nicely - Nicely Done     Presented By: Russell Deneault - Glendale El-
         Consulting                                            ementary School District & Gregory McClain -
                                                               Cox Communications

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