Page 18 - 2019 Spring Conference
P. 18

Pre-Conference sessions

         Facilities, Maintenance & Operations

                   Wednesday, April 3, 2019                     202P: A Brighter Future Through

                      8:00 AM - 4:00 PM                                   Weatherization
            Aquarius Conference Center, Laughlin, NV            Weatherization can save you time and money. It
                                                                can also make your classrooms safer. Understand-
                          Keynote Address:                      ing  the  specification  requirements  and  selecting
                 Quick Team-Building Exercises for              the right products are key to longevity and safety.
                     Organizations of Any Size
                                                                Presented By: John Muir - Tucson Unified School
         Learn how to connect with team members quickly         District - Brad Ghaster - Ghlaster Painting
         and effectively. Michael Baer has experience lead-
         ing diverse groups of different sizes, within various   302P: When your Low on Asphalt
         industries to success and harmony. Baer will share               Maintenance Funds: What Not to Do
         with you ways to efficiently assess your team’s per-
         sonal and CORE values, which helps enhance the         For  Districts  on  a  tight  budget,  properly  main-
         team’s  moral  and  increases  overall  productivity.   taining asphalt can sometimes be a challenge. In
         Aligning  your  team’s  personal  and  CORE  values    this  presentation,  we  will  give  you  some  ideas
         is  vital  to  inspiring  team  commitment.  The  right   on how to effectively maintain your asphalt on a
         people, in the right positions can make or break a     budget and most importantly- what NOT to do.
         team dynamic. Using the exercises presented, you
         will be able to distinguish the most effective orga- Presented By: Mike Fisher - Littleton Elementary
         nization for your team’s success.                      School District & Michael Baer - Sunland Asphalt

         Presented by: Robert Jacobson - Laveen Elementa-
         ry School District & Michael Baer - Sunland Asphalt    402P: Proactive Service for Your Facility

                                                                Proactive Maintenance in HVAC versus Reactive
         102P: Secure Your Building to Secure                   Maintenance…the true cost.
                  Your Future
                                                                Presented By: Ron Romo  - Mesa Public
         Student  safety  and  how  to  improve  it  is  on  ev- Schools, Chuck Hink & Paul Lopez - Pueblo Me-
         eryone’s mind. This presentation will show a full  chanical & Controls, LLC
         demonstration  of  the  new  resistance  and  bullet-
         proof film being installed on many school’s inte-
         rior and exterior windows. Steve Johnson, Owner        502P: Being Specific with Performance Specs
         of Safe Haven Defense and a Scottsdale Police Of-      SFB Liaisons will review the new Roofing Perfor-
         ficer will be available to answer any questions and    mance  Specifications  and  General  Requirements
         concerns regarding how the resistance film works
         and is installed. It is never too late to start making   and how to apply them in your projects. We will
                                                                also  review  newly  adopted  policies  including
         your campus safe!
                                                                Rooftop Solar,and Roofing Inspection Protocols.
         Presented By: Les Thompson - Paradise Valley           Presented By: Dan Ensign - Litchfield Elementary
         Unified School District & Jessica Clanton -            School District, Stephanie Vassar & Carlos Mon-
         Sun Valley Builders
         18                                                     real - School Facilities Board
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