Page 12 - 2019 Spring Conference
P. 12

Human Resources & Payroll Sessions

                              10:45 AM                                              2:00 PM
          105: Time and Effort Reporting                       305: A New Game Approach –

                                                                       Electronic Employment Contracts
          Grants  Management  staff  from  the  Fis-
          cal Monitoring and Technology units will  Has your district considered launching elec-
          be present to provide information to Lo- tronic  employment  contracts?    What  are
          cal Education Agencies (LEAs) about Time  some of the pregame activities your district

          &  Effort  guidelines.  We  will  explain  the  needs to consider prior to entering into this
          Federal guidelines regarding Time & Effort  new approach?  Ensuring your district has
          documentation  when  using  Federal  funds  considered  all  factors  including  commu-
          to pay for employees’ salaries/wages, pro- nicating to employees, best utilizing your
          vide  real-life  examples  and  answer  any  ERP  system  and  streamlining  the  process
          questions related to this topic.                     will be a game changer for your district!

          Presented By: Bobby Neves, Katarina Pena &   Presented By: Mona Rodriguez & Christie Da-
          Laura Burmeister - Arizona Department of             vis  -  Peoria  Unified  School  District  &  Cassie
          Education                                            Knight & Stephanie Bostic -  Tyler Technologies

                              12:45 PM
          205: Payroll and HR Rollover                                              3:05 PM
                                                               405: Safety Leadership by Example
          Don’t get a delay of game penalty for not

          having  an  effective  plan  in  place  to  roll-    Change in an organization’s safety culture
          over,  maintain  and  update  your  districts        will only come when everyone—from the
          payroll and human resources data.  Spring            superintendent  to  the  night  custodian—
          is the time when we live in two fis cal years.       takes responsibility. In this effort, effective
          This  session  will  focus  on  lessons  learned     leadership is critical. Attendees at this ses-
          on how to properly manage the human re-              sion  will  hear  examples  of  how  adminis-
          sources and payroll data between the two             trators in Arizona organizations (including
          fiscal years.                                        school districts) have changed their cultures

                                                               to make safety a core value, as well as tips
          Presented  By:  Courtney  Pina  -  Glendale  El-     on  how  to  better  supervise  and  monitor
          ementary  School  District,  Cassie  Knight  &
          Stephanie Bostic- Tyler Technologies                 safety at their district.

                                                               Presented By: Joanna Morse - Glendale
                                                               Elementary School District & David Frand-
                                                               sen - Arizona School Risk Retention Trust,

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