Page 9 - 2019 Spring Conference
P. 9

Business Administration Sessions

                             10:45 AM                                               2:00 PM
         102: It Takes a Team to Protect your                  302: Are you paying too much, providing the
                District’s Data and Address a Data                    required transparency and verifying the
                                                                       validity of the price on your JOC & CM@Risk
                Breach—geared toward Business                         construction projects? (perhaps not!)
                and Operations Staff
                                                               As a result of the recent scrutiny on this topic by the
         This class will teach Business and Operations Staff  AZ  Attorney  General,  we  will  provide  an  in-depth
         about a School District’s legal obligations related   look at the current practices in the K-12 construction
         to data under federal and state law and Governing     market with regard to the “alternative project deliv-
         Board  policies;  provide  practical  suggestions  on   ery methods” in the state. In addition, we will provide
         how a School District can elevate District employ-    potential solutions to help school districts provide the
         ee awareness in safeguarding data and reporting       proper due diligence in terms of: 1. Saving the district
                                                               money (up to 24% of the construction cost) 2. Com-
         concerns to supervisors; highlight the innovative     plete transparency 3. Auditability 4. Price verification
         work being done at Glendale Elementary School         5. Fiduciary responsibility Come join us for this session
         District to secure its data and address vulnerabili-  and  learn  the  pertinent  information  and  the  knowl-
         ties;  and  conduct  a  thought  provoking  tabletop  edge you need to fulfill your responsibility as a steward
         exercise  to  simulate  a  data  breach  with  District  of the district’s available funds. We are certain you will
         leadership.                                           learn about things you never heard before and come
                                                               away  with  a  better  understanding  of  the  alternative
         Presented By: Tom Clark - Glendale Elemen-            construction delivery best practices.
         tary  School  District  &  Carrie  O’Brien  -  Gust
         Rosenfeld P.L.C.                                      Presented By: Ken Carter -  1GPA, Charlie Bow-
                                                               ers & Alan Levin - Estimating Plus, LLC

                              12:45 PM                                              3:05 PM
         202: The Future Continuing Disclosure                 402: Learning from the PAST & looking to

                 Requirements - Two New Listed                         the FUTURE - Elections Best Practices
                 Events                                        We will discuss ways you can communicate facts with
                                                               your  community  (whether  you  are  having  an  elec-
         Effective February 27, 2019, the Securities and  tion  or  preparing  for  one).  Discussion  items  will  in-
         Exchange Commission has added two signifi-            clude WESD at a glance, key takeaways from working
         cant additions to the list of events for which        on 10+ elections in the same district, wins & lessons
         notices  are  to  be  provided  by  issuers  within   learned.  How has the district approach to elections
                                                               changed and evolved over time?  How does the Dis-
         10 business days. These amendments relate to          trict communicate information internally & externally?
         the  incurrence  of  any  material  financial  ob- How do you coordinate with the main players in the
         ligations  or  agreements.  We  will  discuss  the  process including: Teachers/Staff,  Parents, Task Force,
         requirements associated with these two new            Administration,  Outside  Groups  (Business  Advisory
         amendments  and  suggest  additions  to  your         Team, Community Supporters).  What is the social me-
         debt management policies and procedures.              dia impact?  How does the District share information
                                                               on capital projects?  At the end of the session, we will

         Presented By: Michelle Myers - Peoria Unified         also have time for participants to exchange ideas.
         School District, Jennifer Cosper - Squire Patton      Presented By: Cathy Thompson - Washington
         Boggs (US) LLP, Sandra Day & Bryan Lundberg           Elementary School District & Erika Coombs
         - Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc.                    Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc.                9
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