Page 11 - 2019 Spring Conference
P. 11
Maintenance & Operations Sessions
10:45 AM 2:00 PM
104: Fueling Your Daily Activity 304: Training in the Workforce
The Good the Bad and the Ugly of Break- Training the HVAC Workforce – Who’s do-
fast in the Classroom (a roundtable discus- ing the Training or Where to go and get
sion of departments). Directors from vari- proper HVAC.
ous districts and departments share their
perspectives on Breakfast in the Classroom. Presented By: Matt Heath - Western Maricopa
This is an opportunity to hear from both Education Center, Chuck Hink & Sunny Bert -
Food and Nutrition and Operations and Pueblo Mechanical & Controls, LLC
Maintenance on a topic that impacts both
3:05 PM
Presented By: Linda Sharrett - Avondale Ele- 404: CareerTechEd: The New Collar
mentary School District, Jason Woods - Buck- Skills and Jobs That You Need to
eye Elementary School District, Sam Garcia - Know
Alhambra Elementary School District, Sandra
Schossow - Peoria Unified School District & During this interactive presentation, we
Robert Jacobson - Laveen Elementary School will review what the research says about
District the value and importance of Career & Tech-
nical Education. We will also discuss the
role CTE can play in improving educational
12:45 PM
204: Dirty Dozen: The Top 12 Property outcomes and the state of our economy.
Claims Presented By: Jennifer Brooks - Western Mari-
copa Education Center
Literally millions of dollars are lost each year
on property claims at schools across Arizona.
Most of these claims can easily be prevented.
You’ll learn how to identify potential issues to
help avoid the “Dirty Dozen” loss type.
Presented By: Vince Scarfo - Phoenix Union
High School District & David Frandsen - Ari-
zona School Risk Trust, Inc