Page 27 - The EDGE Spring 2022
P. 27
wheel material (if you taught all three endorsements, but the trainee must obtain their permit in their state
you would upload information and material a total of of domicile and be given their skills and road test by
six times). a third-party examiner there as well. You will train as
you normally do, upload information and training to
If the school bus or passenger endorsements don't the TPR for the driver, and keep the required training
appear in the drop-down box of the "Submit Driver records in your files. Once this process is complete
Training Certification Record" section, you will need and the trainee has finished the skills and road test,
to go into "Manage Locations" on the website and you will then complete the Department of Public
confirm that you have designated your district as an Safety training requirements necessary to obtain a
instructor of school bus and passenger endorsements. school bus certificate number through the Student
You will also need to verify that you have selected Transportation Unit.
“theory” and “behind-the-wheel” for all three
endorsements — Class B, school bus, and passenger. Question: If we don’t offer commercial driver
training, does my district have to register on the TPR?
Question: A new law allows school districts in
Arizona to hire out-of-state CDL drivers as school Answer: No.
bus drivers. How do ELDT training regulations affect
Answer: Arizona allows school districts to hire CDL For more information about these federal requirements, contact
drivers from California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and the Trust transportation program director, Stephanie Arbaugh,
New Mexico as school bus drivers. You may, therefore, at (602) 200-2471 or email
train an out-of-state driver from one of these states,
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