Page 22 - The EDGE Spring 2022
P. 22


                          BY BILL MUNCH, CPPO, CPPB
                          Reflections on the 2022 AASBO

                          Vendor/Buyer Conference
        Bill Munch

        March  was  National  Procurement  Month.
        So what better time to look back on the 2022
        AASBO  Vendor/Buyer  Conference  and
        reflect on the importance of school district
        procurement professionals and school
        district vendors to the overall effectiveness
        and efficiency of the procurement process.
        The month provided an excellent opportunity
        to celebrate our successes and remember
        that school districts need vendors as much
        as vendors need school districts.  Vendor
        successes are school district successes and
        vise versa.

        Kudos to the 42 Conference Committee
        Members, numerous presenters and those
        who stepped up for presenters who couldn't
        make it. And of course, the AASBO staff who
        worked diligently and beyond the call of duty                                     Andy Tobin, Director
        to make the conference beneficial for all who                           Department of Administration
        attended. Thank you to Andy Tobin, Director
        of the Department of Administration, for his  received. It was an informative and insightful
        inspiring words and Ed Jimenez,  Arizona  day. It is our sincere hope that the conference
        State Procurement  Administrator, for his
        poignant keynote address.                               helped build and enhance the foundation of
                                                                procurement for school district procurement
        “Strong vendors help build                              professionals  and  vendors  alike.  We  will
                                                                strive to have an even better conference
        strong school districts to the                          next year. Strong vendors help build strong

        benefit          of      Arizona's           most       school districts to the benefit of Arizona's

        precious resource – our children                        most precious resource – our children and
        and grandchildren.”

                                                                So where do we go from here? As the AASBO
        We believe the tables for the purchasing  Vendor Representative, I have a three-prong
        cooperatives were a great resource for vendors  approach in the upcoming months. First,
        and buyers. The happy hour Q & A was well  we are working on a plan to offer monthly
                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 24

        22                                                                               THE EDGE   SPRING 2022
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