Page 19 - The EDGE Spring 2022
P. 19

Doing Business with School Districts

        "A word of caution – don’t contact                     Why do districts have to get multiple quotes when
                                                               there is only one vendor who can meet their needs?
        a  grocery  store  if  you’re  looking                 The answer is that the sole source procedure

        for an industrial copy machine."                       eliminates the need for competitive quotes or
                                                               bids, but its use must be based on performance,
                                                               programmatic or operational requirements, not a
        to respond with a quote. If a vendor doesn’t respond  preference for a particular product or provider.
        within the specified time, a so-called no quote can  AASBO members were cautioned that completing a
        be documented by the district.  What happens if a  sole source purchase can be more difficult and take
        district is unable to get three quotes?  They were  longer than trying to get quotes.
        told they need to document their effort, including
        that they contacted vendors that had a reasonable  The most common mistakes that districts make
        opportunity to provide a quote. A word of caution –  include not allowing enough time for the procurement
        don’t contact a grocery store if you’re looking for an  or PO process, not asking the right questions
        industrial copy machine. The requirement for three  “up front,” incomplete documentation, receiving
        quotes is designed to ensure and verify that school  materials or services before a purchase order is
        districts are spending taxpayers’ money wisely.        issued, failing to inspect and confirm an order upon
                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 20

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           Benson Systems is a provider of Life Safety, Security, Low       AASBO and the
           Benson Systems is a provider of Life Safety, Security, Low
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          Voltage Building Technologies, and HVAC systems, offering
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           a complete suite of services including Design, Installation,   Future of Education
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                       Support, and Maintenance.
 Benson Systems is a provider of Life Safety, Security, Low
           a complete suite of services including Design, Installation,
                       Support, and Maintenance.
 Voltage Building Technologies, and HVAC systems, offering
 a complete suite of services including Design, Installation,

        Support, and Maintenance.

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 Life Safety             Security &                             Mechanical,

 & Fire                Low Voltage                                Electrical,
 Suppression                                                Plumbing, Ducts
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