Page 16 - The EDGE Spring 2022
P. 16
Lynn Ford Claudia Leon
Doing Business with School Districts
Vendors who want to do business with school
districts need to know about the hoops that districts
must jump through to consummate transactions.
There’s a very simple reason – we’re talking about
spending tax dollars.
A trio of procurement experts walked AASBO
members and would-be vendors through rules
and Procurement Managers for regulations that
govern school purchasing and what not to do. The
presentation was by Lynn Ford, Yuma Union High
School District, and Claudia Leon with 1GPA at
the annual Vendor-Buyer Conference. 1GPA is
a nonprofit National Governmental Purchasing
Alliance that allows public agencies to take
advantage of existing public contracts to purchase Vendors often wonder why it takes so long to get a
the goods they need at the most competitive prices. purchase order. There are several factors, including
To provide the do’s and don’ts of school purchasing a long signature trail, missing signatures, lack of
as clearly as possible, they framed their session in funds, incomplete requisitions, workload and non-
a Q&A format. compliance with the rules.
For example: Why are there so many rules? They A common complaint is that the rules cost the
explained that school districts spend taxpayer school district money. But the presenters explained
money. As custodians of that money, districts have that lower prices generally result from such things
a duty to spend it wisely. Furthermore, rules cannot as a different quality, loss leader, short-term sale,
be waived. Most of the rules have been created by, the vendor operates on a cash basis or the vendor
or in response to, legislative action. The rules have doesn’t offer after-the-sale support.
been written to provide a reasonable solution for
most requirements. If the rules are not followed, Vendors ask why schools must buy from the low
penalties range from personal responsibility for any bidder. The answer is that cost is never the only
financial loss to a possible felony charge and being factor considered. Other factors may include quality,
fired. delivery time, warranty, and terms of purchase. A
low bid can be rejected if it is documented that it
It was explained that all purchases go through doesn’t comply with all requirements. A note to
a central office to ensure compliance with all districts – if they do their job right, the low bidder
requirements. It also allows others to focus on is usually the best buy.
business issues and enables school personnel
concentrate on teaching students. There is a trend AASBO members were told that to speed up the
to reduce bureaucracy for small purchases. process they should establish deadlines for vendors