Page 12 - The EDGE Spring 2022
P. 12


         School Construction: Which Method Is Best?

        Traditionally, the three stages of building a new
        education project – planning, design and construction
        –  have  been  independent  and  sequential.  Builders
        bid on jobs based on designs already set in stone, and
        owners select the lowest qualified bidder to bring an
        education project to life.

        Using the traditional delivery method of design-bid-
        build, the design professional and general contractor
        function in silos.  The architect does all the work
        beforehand with the owner, but without input from
        the contractor. Once the plans are in place, the
        contractor bids the project and works with trade
        partners to complete it.                                results in terms of quality, schedule and budget. In fact,
                                                                since 2000, the vast majority of school construction
        Today, alternative delivery methods are quickly  projects in Arizona use alternative delivery methods,
        becoming the “new norm.”  These methods are  including design-build, construction manager at
        growing in popularity because they take into account  risk  (CMAR),  design-assist  and  integrated  project
        the objectives of the owner, designer and general  delivery (IPD).
        contractor and align priorities to achieve the best
                                                                Alternative  delivery methods are preferred because
              QUESTIONS TO ASK WHEN SELECTING A                 they  utilize  a highly  collaborative  structure  whereby
                         DELIVERY METHOD                        the core project team, comprised of the owner, designer
          ◊ INVOLVEMENT: How involved can I be in the project? Do   and general contractor, is formed early on. The team
           I  have  the  capability  and  resources  to  make  important   works together to identify project solutions that meet
           decisions?  What  will  my  relationship  with  the  project   the owner’s goals, often resulting in cost savings and
           team look like? Who will I have to manage?           scheduling wins.

          ◊ SERVICES: Will I receive preconstruction services? What   In general, the top three owner concerns about
           additional services will I get during construction?  alternative delivery are:
          ◊ RISK: Who holds the risk for project performance? What
           will I be contractually responsible for?             Myth 1: It’s more expensive.
                                                                Truth:  Alternative  delivery actually  gives an owner
          ◊ SCHEDULE: When does the scope have to be completely   cost certainty from the first day the project is awarded
           defined?  When  will  the  construction  cost  be  defined?   and  is  more  cost-efficient  than  traditional  project
           What will the total project timeline be? Can we fast-track   delivery methods in many situations. This is because
           the project? How will we deal with schedule delays?  the project budget is identified early in the process and

          ◊ BUDGET:  Will  I  get  the  best  value  for  my  investment?   continuously maintained throughout the collaborative
           How will we deal with change orders? Will there be cost   process, which saves time,  money  and, importantly,
           certainty?                                           minimizes costly disputes.

                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 14

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