Page 11 - The EDGE Spring 2022
P. 11

attention on books and curriculum rather  Throughout the academic year, school-based
        than on the physical state of the schoolhouse.  practitioners find ways to rally their students
        When forced to make budget cuts, they may  around their school, showing them why they
        look to facility ty-related expenses rather than  should be proud of the school and what it

        classroom programs and services.                       stands for. We should be doing the same thing
                                                               at the district level.

        That's understandable. But we must remind
        ourselves  and  our  stakeholders  that  a  school  Every member of the district staff plays an

        environment that is well-designed, well-               important part in promoting high performance
        maintained, and secure promotes a sense of  facilities,               including     those    in    finance,

        wellbeing, a sense of caring, and an atmosphere        human resources, information management,
        of excitement and discovery.  A safe, secure,  transportation, food services, building and
        attractive, "healthy"  learning environment  is  grounds, and professional development. Let's
        one of the keys to a high-performance education  rally our staff members around the district's
        institution. Research shows a clear link  facilities and make sure they recognize their
        between the environmental quality of schools  role in making the district schools something
        and  educational  performance.  Therefore,  they can all be proud of.

        the successful management of a school
        environment is an investment in education.  During these tough times, when there is a
        The academic performance of students today  tendency  to  neglect  this  very  important  area
        helps determine their success and the success  of our operations, we should do everything we

        of our society in the future.                          can  to  keep  the  funding  for  maintenance  and
                                                               operations intact. We can always find ways to
        As we all know, creating and maintaining a  fine tune and streamline our facility and ground
        safe, healthy, vibrant school environment is not  operations as long as we do not lose sight of its
        easy. It takes time, extensive research, careful  positive impact to the overall environment we
        planning, smart budgeting, quality construction,  work in every day.

        preventive  maintenance,  "  green"  practices,
        and continual evaluation. It definitely takes  I also want to thank Gary Barkman, Bill Munch
        teamwork. Everyone in the district and in the  and Linda Virgil, the professional development
        community must feel a sense of ownership.  committee, the speakers, and staff for the
        They must all share a commitment to ensuring  excellent job they did in putting together an
        the district's schools are more than brick  outstanding  Vendor/Buyer  Conference and
        and mortar – they are places of learning and  Audit Compliance Conference.


        " A safe, secure, attractive, 'healthy"
        learning environment is one of

        the keys to a high-performance
        education institution."

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