Page 7 - The EDGE Spring 2022
P. 7

How has being an “AASBO Kid” influenced you
        in your life personally and professionally?
        Being an  AASBO Kid taught me about the
        education community at a young age. It taught
        me AASBO is an organization of people with a
        common purpose, dedicated to bettering the world
        by ensuring the children of this state have every
        resource possible to better themselves.  AASBO
        taught me to be selfless. I think this is why I was
        involved in student organizations growing up,
        like Builders Club, Student Council, and Student
        Mentorship in college.

        What is your current role and what are you most
        proud of?
        I'm  currently  the  Chief  Operations  Officer  at
        Littleton Elementary School District. I started in
        this role just a COVID was beginning. I'm most
        proud  of  the  flexibility  my  staff  and  the  rest  of
        the district showed in the face of uncertainty and
        were still able to do everything they could to help
        students succeed.

        How did AASBO and/or your Dad influence your
        interest in your profession?
        My Dad never pushed me into being a school
        business  official.  I'm  sure  he  would  have  been
        very proud of me no matter what I chose to do.
        He told me once, "You'll never get rich doing this,
        but there are things more important than money." I
        never knew what that meant until I started working
        for a school district and started raising a family.
        When I was looking for a career change after            today. It's amazing to hear his name and realize the
        years of working for a bank, he did encourage me        impact he had over his career. I'm grateful I have
        to consider working at a school district. I'm glad      the opportunity these great AASBO leaders had
        I listened!                                             in learning from him how to be a better business
                                                                official and person.
        What do you admire most about your Dad's
        involvement with AASBO?                                 If we asked your Dad, what would he be most
        I admire the impact he has had on so many of            proud of?
        today's leaders. I'm humbled every time I hear          I think he would say he is proud of the family I've
        someone get on stage at AASBO and thank their           built, the relationships I've created and the fact
        mentors who helped them get to where they are           I've found a passion in what I'm doing.
                                                                                             CONTINUED ON PAGE 9

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