Page 5 - The EDGE Spring 2022
P. 5

BRIAN LOCKWOOD                                          two short years. I can honestly say that we have
                                                                made ourselves stand out and be a flagship school
        What is your fondest memory of being an                 for all future signature schools in the district.
        “AASBO Kid”?                                            Our emphasis on gardening, outdoor learning
        Being an AASBO Kid was the best! I honestly felt        and nutrition allows us to take learning beyond
        like a famous person’s kid. Going to the events         the four walls of the classroom and give students
        and resorts was like a 5-star vacation. I always        the opportunity to get their hands dirty, learn
        remember looking forward to the trips because my        outdoors, help their community and grow food to
        Dad was going to meetings and sessions, and I was       battle the ever-challenging food insecurity issues
        able to chill by the pool with my Mom and sister        in our community. I am excited and hopeful to see
        and live the best life. This is also when I developed   our academic and collaborative success soar as
        a liking for non-alcoholic strawberry daiquiris.        we continue to move mountains here at Lassen.
        Let’s just say I racked up a few room bills thinking
        I was on cloud nine ordering daiquiris poolside.
        Pretty cool opportunity for a 9-year-old AASBO
        Kid. The one thing I do remember is how envious
        and proud I was of my dad. It was inspiring to
        see him in that arena and be the person he was. I
        remember going to the booths and meeting all the
        people with him. He was proud to introduce me
        and allow me to meet all his working friends and
        colleagues. I, of course, was worried about what
        they had for free at the booths, but it was also very
        nice to see the relationships and kind people at
        these events.

        What is your current role and what are you most
        proud of?                                               How did AASBO and/or your Dad influence your
        Currently, I am the proud Principal at  V.H             interest in your profession?
        Lassen:  Academy of Science and Nutrition in            AASBO has always been a part of my personal and
        the Roosevelt School District in South Phoenix.         professional life. I can honestly say that going to
        I am honestly so humbled to be in this position         the events and dinners as a kid allowed me to see
        and leading this school. I joined this community        what good people do and how they are successful
        a couple of years ago and inherited the beginning       by working hard and staying focused. My  Dad
        stages of the implementation and initiation of a        has always been my inspiration and guiding light
        signature school. Immediately as you walk onto          when it comes to my educational focus and career
        our campus you get the feeling you have entered a       aspirations. I joke that I grew up in diapers in the
        special place. V. H Lassen is so unique and has so      district office setting. My Dad served the Apache
        many opportunities for students to succeed at high      Junction Unified School District as the Associate
        levels and at the same time learn and develop skills    Superintendent and CFO for 26 years.  That,
        that will encourage them to continue learning into      combined with his involvement with  AASBO,
        high school and beyond. I am so proud of how far        gave me the motivation and inspiration to be in
        we have come with our signature school in just          education myself. I have never stopped wanting to

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