Page 6 - The EDGE Spring 2022
P. 6

Growing up AASBO

        grow. There is no lid to my life and how far I can  move up. He has always been proud of how far I
        go. This I believe is due to the relationship with  have come in such a short time and continues to
        my Dad and his relationship and connections with  push me forward and never has a lid on how far I
        AASBO. One thing ASSBO did more than anything  can go! He will also be proud that I have created
        else was provide an opportunity to connect with  a beautiful life for my family and attempted to set
        people – good people at that. Everyone I was  my children up for success the same way he did
        introduced to or met along the way was willing  for me!
        to be a mentor, role model or friend at the drop
        of a hat. I believe that this was the case because  What are your future goals and how can AASBO
        my dad focused heavily on the relationships and  support you?
        positive attitude he had and created. He really did  Honestly, my future goals are to be a part of
        set me up for success and I did not even know it.       AASBO in some way. I know I don’t have the
                                                                business or finance sticker or stamp, but nothing
                                                                would make me more proud then to carry the
                                                                legacy of my dad and be a part of AASBO in some
                                                                way. I would love to help guide the work and
                                                                inspire other principals to have the same desire to
                                                                reach students at all levels as I do.

                                                                RYAN FRENCH

                                                                What is your fondest memory of being an
                                                                “AASBO Kid”?
                                                                I have so many fond memories from being an
                                                                AASBO Kid. The summer conference was really
                                                                the highlight of my summer. I remember checking
                                                                into the El Conquistador in  Tucson with more
                                                                snacks from Sam's Club than anyone should need
                                                                for three days, hanging out by the pool, never
                                                                remembering to wear enough sunscreen, and the
                                                                western dinner they had every year. My fondest
                                                                memory of being an AASBO Kid has to be chosen
                                                                or volunteered (I can't remember which) to change
        If we asked your Dad, what would he be most  the signs in-between sessions for John Fung. The
        proud of?                                               signs and the easels were so big for my brother
        He would for sure be most proud that I have  and me, but we were determined to run around
        continued in education for the past ten years,  the resort with everything under our arms to make
        stayed in education and never stopped wanting to  sure the signs were in the right places.

        6                                                                                THE EDGE   SPRING 2022
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