Page 20 - The EDGE Spring 2022
P. 20

Doing Business with School Districts

        receipt, failing to send receiving documents to the  group related items that are routinely purchased,
        Accounts Payable Department, failing to tag capital  use a percent of discount bid for all items in that
        equipment, and signing contractual documents  group,  list  a  sampling  of  the  routinely  purchased
        without authority.                                      items in each group and require the vendors to list
                                                                their  prices  for  those  items  to  assist  with  the  bid
        In  handling multiple  purchases  with  the  same  evaluation.
        vendor, districts generally start with what they
        know at the time and determine if the purchases  So how do you know if the procurement process is
        are reasonably subject to competition. If certain  successful? Here’s how. Allow enough time for the
        items are purchased routinely from that vendor,  process, ask questions up front, provide completed

        the total cost over the fiscal year may require a  documentation, be fair and reasonable, avoid after-
        competitive purchase, but multiple purchases for  the-fact purchases, inspect and confirm orders
        unanticipated requirements may not be reasonable  upon receipt, promptly send receiving document
        for a competitive purchase. Districts should always  to Accounts Payable Department, and definitely do
        document the basis for using that vendor.               not sign documents without authority.

        AASBO members were told how to bid maintenance
        supplies when they don’t know what they will            Lynn Ford can be reached at: (928) 502-4328 or
        need  until  something  happens.  Procurement  staff    Claudia Leon can be reached at:
        should review the prior year’s purchase history,

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        20                                                                               THE EDGE   SPRING 2022
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